I need to know if it gets better?

I had surgery 2wks ago and I really wasn't in much pain afterwards but now everything I eat or drinks hurts my stomach and I always have to lay down after I eat. Water even hurts when it hits the bottom of my stomach it feel like I have a balled up fist inside of me. I get nausea after every meal. Could something be wrong,will this past? How do you know if something is seriously wrong or could it be gas every single time I eat.    — TCP1918 B. (posted on June 7, 2003)

June 7, 2003
HI,i know where you are coming from but how ever rest assured it does get better,my DR.had me on prevacid and as long as i took it i felt fine but the minute he tried to take me off the same thing would start again,i've got 9 caplets left and he wants to try me without them again,now that i am 10 weeks post op,also you may want to drink room temp water ice water bothers me also.also with being 2 weeks remeber to EAT SLOW VERY SLOW.i learned that the hard way to.hopefully this will be of some help.
   — GRACE M.

June 7, 2003
First, let's assume that you had a RNY. If you are only 2 wks out, my guess is that it is too soon (way too soon) to be eating anything (I was on cloudy liquids until about 20 days after surgery). Also, it is natural to drink a little too quickly and maybe take bites that are too big; both situations would cause some of the discomfort you are describing. Secondly, even though I took a very conservative approach when I first started using my stomach again (think of it like any other muscle that you haven't really used in a long time), I would need to stand up after a couple of bites, stretch and then lie down. Third, you may be getting nauseous for two reasons: (1) you are in ketosis (which is the goal of this prolonged exercise) which alters your taste buds and cause make you a little sick to your stomach or (2) you have allergies or a head cold and the mucus is running down your throat and into your pouch (I had this for about 5-6 weeks when I was less than one month out and it sucked). Lastly, don't hesitate to call your surgeon. Listen, you can't be expected to forget about every bad habit you developed over your lifetime just b/c someone cut into your stomach and played with your intestines. So, don't be too hard on yourself, check in w/ your surgeon, make sure that there are no medical issues making you feel that way and then give it another go. Good luck.
   — SteveColarossi

June 7, 2003
You are at the most difficult early part of your journey! It WILL get better. Everything hurt my new tummy until 4-6 weeks out. I was nauseous all the tima and thought I would surely expire. As soon as I was sure that I had made a mistake it started to get better. Be very cautious about what you are "eating" and only "eat" one new thing a day. Don't be in a rush to move ahead too fast. Eat slowly and maybe even a little less than you think will make you full. I had to measure everything for the first couple of months. Hang in there, IT GETS BETTER!!! :)
   — Carol S.

June 7, 2003
It really gets better. It's been almost 7 weeks and I had complications. I can eat just about anything and not be in pain. I felt the same way you did two weeks out. In a few months you will find that this will be a distant memory....Ok that might take a year LOL. Just know it will get better soon. Good Luck
   — Judith H.

June 7, 2003
I will get better trust me!! I am almost 14 months post op, down 168 pounds. I was the same way you were. Sick all the time at the very beginning. This is truly the hard part. In time as your new stomach heals more and more, you will feel much better. You won't get sick as often. A sip of water won't make you nauseated. Trust me, it gets better. If you are worried, the best thing to do is to call oyur surgeon to be sure. They would rather you do that than ignore your pain.
   — bevewy

June 8, 2003
try doing liquids only for 2 days... and protein shakes of course, but no soft or solid foods... give you pouch 48 hours to heal. you just had a major surgery, and i know every Dr is different, but my Dr has me on a liquid diet only for 4 weeks. he explained your stomach needs at least that much time to heal inside, and introducing foods too early can cause food allergies and gas. that can be painfull on a new post-op's tummies :o) try it for 2 days, see if it helps? it can't hurt... small sips, small.... sip, sip, sip...
   — heather S.

June 9, 2003

   — aprilbaree

June 10, 2003
My situation was very similar. Only it started in the hospital. I could not take in anything. It hurt when I drank. I was told it was spasms and it would pass. It didn't. I went home, tried to follow the diet. I could not eat or drink. I would wake in the morning and feel fine. About 1/2 hour after "eating" I would become sick, the same symptoms you described. I talked with my surgeon and his office almost every other day. My surgeon suspected a stricture but did not want to diliate until at least 3 weeks post op. He did it just 2 days short of 3 weeks. What a difference, not at first, however one week after the diliation I thought I would lose my mind with the pain and really regretted the surgery. That night was the closest I have come (to this day) to vomiting. The next day I woke and started to eat. I have not had a problem since. I am now 4 months post op and down 80 pounds. Talk with your surgeon. Good luck. Linda
   — Linda B.

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