Any one else told about gallbladder troubles

Hi everyone- This is not exactly a WLS questions so to those who aren't interested, be forewarned :o) However, it seems as though many of us here have had gall bladder problems, that's why I'd like to ask it. My friend has been having abdominal pain and pressure for about 6 weeks now. She lost 25 pounds in 1 month, and no, she didn't have WLS :o) She was very slightly overweight before she lost the 25 pounds. After having to practically beg for CAT scans and (I think) an MRI, the doctor discovered she had gallstones and/or polyps in her gallbladder. But even though my friend's been in all this pain, she was told there were many of them (stones and/or polyps) but they weren't big enough and to come back in 6 months!!! I was LIVID when I heard that! About 16 years ago, I had 1 horrible gallstone attack and the surgery was scheduled ASAP! I was just wondering if anyone else with gallbladder issues was told to "wait and see", I feel like "wait and see" what?- She is already in constant pain :o( My friend is also having another issue with her urinary bladder, maybe someone might know what's going on?? My friend has felt constant discomfort and pressure in her bladder, she says it feels like she has a bladder infection. She was prescribed Detrol (Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now...), and that's helping somewhat but it's not solving the problem. The bigger picture is, my friend has a prolapsed bladder, excuse me for being graphic but she can actually feel it in her vagina and sometimes has to "stuff" it back up to get some relief! The doctor (well, actually some kind of nurse from hell) said "Well, yes, maybe your bladder has dropped a little, but it hasn't dropped ENOUGH to warrant surgery!" I feel so frustrated for my friend, not to mention that I'm worried about her health. Does anyone else have a similar experience with either gall bladder or urinary bladder? Thanks, Mea    — Mea A. (posted on June 14, 2003)

June 14, 2003
Not sure if I can help, but it is very normal for people who are dieting alot to have problems with their gall bladder's. I was sick for over a year before I had mine removed. She may want to seek a 2nd opinion and perhaps a specialist for her bladder problems. Hope this helps...
   — TERESA G.

June 14, 2003
I can't say I have had a similar experience; however, I can tell you what my doctor did to prevent gallstones. I am now 4 weeks post-op and at a recent appointment, I was prescribed Actagall. It is a medicine that prevents gallstones. I have to take it for 6 months, 1 a day. My doc prescribes it 2-4 weeks post-op to every patient who did not have their gallbladder removed. Hope your friend takes a turn for the better!
   — Pamela L.

June 14, 2003
Hi Pamela- original poster. when your doc prescribed the Actigal, did you already have existing stones? Thanks, Mea
   — Mea A.

June 14, 2003
Hi Mea - I had an ultrasound done prior to surgery and no, I did not have any stones.
   — Pamela L.

June 15, 2003
Gallbladder stones not big enough? WHAT? That is absolutely outrageous. Its the little ones that hurt the worst. I had "sludge" which is lots of little ones and my pain was so bad that I actually thought I was dying. When I got to the E.R. they treated me like a trauma patient - several docs and nurses all in attendance at once, my blood pressure was at critical levels so they had to tip the bed some. As a former surgeons's office manager, I can tell you that there is no treatment for gallbladder stones other than surgery. There are meds that may help dissolve them, but they will continue to develop for the rest of your life. If you have your gallbladder out, that's the end of it. (Unless one gets stuck in the duct and they don't recognize it at the time of surgery). It is standard procedure for many docs to take the gallbladder at the time of WLS, because it will invariably flare up. Millions of us get along fine without it, and it really was more painful than my deliveries or my hysterectomy - but they were able to take it out by laparascope and I did great. Get a different surgeon! As for the prolapse, I've had that too. This will continue to get worse. I had biofeedback which did help some, but if she is having to manipulate her organs for relief, it is definitely time for surgery. Sounds like she has an HMO with a penny-pinching PCP, or maybe just has been very unlucky with providers. A general surgeon can do her gallbladder at the same time that a urologist does her bladder, or if it is just her uterus it would be a gynecologist. Who is the nurse to say it doesn't warrant surgery??? She is NOT the doctor. If you friend isn't getting anywhere, I'd arrange to change PCPs who can refer to better specialists.
   — bethybb

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