Can't find Medi-Medi (snail-Mail address) for surgery approvel

Hi if anyones out there...hello...? I could sure use some help, I can't seem to find the address for Medi-Cal and Medi-Care. No one will give me a straight answer. I've looked on the site and theres no addresses, only phone numbers. Then when I try that and all they do is tell me is, "sorry can't help". I'm so stressing. I've even put in 2 patient applications to UCLA for WLS and I've waited almost a year now this July 17th, with only one respone from them in Aug. 2002. So I called them. Now UCLA tells me I'm not in the system at all. I've aleays said my life was jinked. Can anyone please prove me wrong? Thank you for reading this... -Summer    — Summer M. (posted on June 18, 2003)

June 18, 2003
Apply for welfare/afdc. When you do, check that you everything welfare, food stamps, and a MEDICAL CARD/MEDICAID. I live in Maryland so it could be different, but that worked for me.
   — Leica R.

June 19, 2003
Hi Leica, Thank you for responding. But I don't need Welfare cuz I have Medi-Medi. Food stamps yes, also I don't qualify that cuz I have Medi-Medi. Thank anyway... -Summer
   — Summer M.

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