LT Posties eat every 2-3 hours?

Are there any long-term posties (more than six months) who eat every two to three hours and still lose weight? I am at five months and finding that to have a prayer of getting enough protein I have to eat 4-5 small (2 oz) meals a day + 2 protein shakes. But I'm also plateaued (even cutting out carbs and uping my exercise). Pouch Rules says don't eat this    — gamboge (posted on June 26, 2003)

June 26, 2003
Hi...I'm almost 2 years out and have been eating 6 small meals a day since about 3 months. If I ate only 3 as my doctor wanted, my blood sugar would drop and I would get cold sweats, dizziness, etc. I have to eat this often to maintain my blood sugar levels. I'm eating yes, I still lost weight. I started at 316, and now weigh 153...Good luck! Denise
   — lily1968

June 26, 2003
I eat probably 4 small meals a day and two Real Meals shakes. I get about 100 grams of protein a day. 60 of those grams I know are absorbed 100% because of the shakes. I always get hungry about every two or three hours but when I eat I make better choices than I did before. I do not deny myself anything. I just change the order in which I eat. I always eat the protein first because I know it will fill me up faster. The result was I went from a size 24 to a 4 in the first 6 months and never hit a plateau.
   — Linda A.

June 26, 2003
Hi, I eat every 2-3hours. I would feel week, tired, and drained if I didn't. 212/118/108
   — TP

June 26, 2003
Hi, I eat every 2-3hours. I would feel weak, tired, and drained if I didn't. 212/118/108
   — TP

June 26, 2003
I'm a year out, and I usually eat 4-5 small meals a day, plus two protein shakes, plus sometimes a snack or two (meaning a handful of something). There is a difference between this eating pattern and "grazing" (which I've also done, which is bad, wrong, evil, etc. :-P). Grazing allows you to eat relatively bigger amounts, usually of crummy foods, because you just keep eating constantly, never getting full and never being aware of what you're doing. That's what the Pouch Rules caution against. If they also say just eat three meals a day (I haven't read them in awhile), well, the heck with 'em -- I know when I'm being "bad" by grazing, and when I'm fueling my body more efficiently (with smaller more frequent meals). Total up what you're eating on and see what your calories are, and your protein and carb grams. Fiddle with those on a daily basis to see what works for weight loss....
   — Suzy C.

June 26, 2003
Hi! I am 18 months post-op and eat all day long! I can't eat that much at one sitting, so I have to eat a bite here and there. I carry my plate around with me most ofthe time! LOL!! If I am out running around, I take a protein bar (Detour tastes like a snickers and only has five grams of sugar in it!) or put some jerky in my pocket. Pouch Rules are different for everyone... there are always exceptions to every rule, I don't care who you are, what language you speak or where you live! :~) Listen to your body and do what IT says, okay! Hugs!
   — Sharon M. B.

June 26, 2003
I'm a big believer in the pouch rules in general, but not that one! You're doing great, keep it up and the weight will drop (how's the water and exercise?). I would say I eat either a small meal or snack about every 3 hours. If I try to only eat 3 meals a day, I get too hungry and overeat something I shouldn't.
   — mom2jtx3

June 26, 2003
Almost 4 years out and I eat 6-8 times a day, including two or three protein shakes a day. I think the pouch rules are helpful for some things but that 3 meals a day thing has never worked for me. A typical day for me is: 5 am get up, drink first protein shake; 7 am drink 2nd protein shake on the way to work; 10am small sf yogurt; Noon lunch (salad with chicken on it or something like that); 3 pm apple or pretzels; 6 pm dinner with the family (meat, veggies, maybe a bite of rice or half a roll); 9 pm protein shake or cottage cheese before bed. Works for me. Many people have a plateau somewhere around the 5th to 7th month. Hang in there; you'll break out of it. hugs, Ann rny 9/10/99 260/124
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 26, 2003
11 months post-op and though weight-loss has slowed I'm still losing. I eat 5 to 6 times a day and 4 of those are practically zero carbs (cheese, meats, etc.). For 2 of them I allow more carbs (veggies, fruits, etc.). I don't follow the pouch rules on this either.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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