Is it tii soon to think about a Tummy Tuck?

Hi guys. I have a question. I am 10 months out have lost about 130 pounds and am hovering around 174-179. I have about 25-30 more pounds to lose. It is all in my tummy My legs and arms look great. My back hurts all the time, I have been to the chiropractor and it still hurts a lot. Also my arms are numb around my Breasts. Does that happen to anyone else? is that a sign that they need to be lifted up? They go down about 5 inches above my belly button. should I go for a consult with the Plastic surgeon and see what he says? I am 5 foot 6 and am in a size 10. I only want tolose like 20 more, Is it too soon? I lost most of the weight in the first 6 months. about 10 in the past 4 months. so i have been steady.    — nicole79 (posted on July 12, 2003)

July 12, 2003
hi nicole I am about 10 months out also I weigh 150lb and am a size 12 I am 5'5 in hieght. Right now am waiting approval for the plastic surgeon. They made me send in photo's of my hanging skin. I also submitted medical records of skin infections. I also found a lump on my thigh. Which will also help me get the extra skin removed from my thighs.I found great article on the web site for the board of plastic surgery on redudancy treatment. Which is extra hanging skin caused by massive weight loss. There are codes for each procedure. I sent in this article and all the codes and my photo's to the insurance company. hope I helped . sheri
   — sheri B.

July 12, 2003
I had my TT on June 4rth, My WLS was Nov 22nd 2002, 7 months Post op I had my TT, most of my weight hung from my Panni, I couldnt be any more happier than I am now.
   — Teresa G.

July 12, 2003
as long as you are maintaining your weight and not still rapidly losing you can start the process. I am 14 months out and am having abdonimoplasty and my arms done on august 7th. I was denied both. on appeal i was approved for the tt but have to pay for my arms out of pocket. good luck...phyllis
   — candymom64

July 12, 2003
Nah - I had RNY on 2/12/02 - Had TT and BL on 6/3. It is fantastic. I was at 139 (I am 5'2") when I got the tuck and had been about that for a month or 2. There was a lot of swelling - I actually weight 154 the day after the surgery, but now I am back down and at 134 - I have a small to medium fram and still want to lost about 15 pounds - but slow goes it - I am not too worried about it & I have a flat tummy and perky boobs to boot. Good Luck!
   — sara J.

July 12, 2003
I just had my Abdominoplasty surgery July 8. To be honest, all the pain prohibits me from be excited about the procedure. I'm sure later on I will. WHen I first submitted everything to the insurance company, I sent photos(showing rash along pubic line), letter from PS, letter from PCP, and my chiropractor's notes on lower backpain. I was DENIED! Of course I appealed. When the appeal committee had my review, I'd requested that my PCP and myself conference call the Appeal Committee. Again my PCP stated she had treated me from rashes and I stated that they were out of their minds if they thought this was cosmetic surgery! I also stated in my appeal letter that if I was again denied that I would contact the Insurance Commission and have them get involved. Needless to day, 1 day later I was approved! Who knows what they key for the approval was but I was NOT going to give up. Good luck and hang in there. If you would like for me to email you the appeal letter, I will do so. Good Luck!
   — Jeanette D.

July 15, 2003
You should be within 20 pounds of your goal weight by the time you have your surgery. So start looking for a good PS now!! It will take time to get things scheduled and approved. By that time, you'll be much closer to your goal weight and you will really see the benefit of the plastic surgery. I had my surgery done at 9 months post-op. I was 10 pounds from my original goal weight (I ended up losing another 5 pounds) and I have been very happy with the results.
   — Patty H.

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