Help! I ate a burrito.

I made a burrito with sour cream. I never intended to eat the tortilla just the outside, but I was sidetracked. I have no idea what happened, and the next thing I knew the burrito was gone. I did not dump. Please, help me. I do see my surgeon next week. How could I forget my limitations like that?    — Red T. (posted on July 15, 2003)

July 14, 2003
Guess I don't see what you're asking for help with. I doubt that the burrito shell will cause any damage since you are 5 months out (or thereabouts). I'd suggest you dust off the tortilla crumbs :>) and get back on track. Next time use a dish instead of a shell to ease the distration factor. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 14, 2003
I can eat a burrito no problem. You'll be fine.
   — Linda A.

July 14, 2003
I can eat a burrito as well. Not a huge one but like a Meximelt size one from Taco Bell. I agree that you should pick yourself up, dust off those crumbs and get back on track. Don't deny yourself a burrito every now and then because that makes them emotionally so much more desireable. Just tell yourself you want to be healthier and slimmer much more than you want to eat too many burritos. You'll be fine.
   — ronascott

July 14, 2003
What's wrong with eating the tortilla? Does it clump up like fresh bread does? What about grilled tortilla like in a quesadilla?
   — Kathy J.

July 15, 2003
the only thing I'm thinking might be bad is, where did you get the burrito. I went on line last night to look up the calories on the grilled ceaser burrito from toco bell and it wasn't in there BUT! the calories that I found on things that I thought were lower in fat where sky high. I realized last night that I just can't eat that stuff. I was blown away. Ive eaten most a burrito before. some days you can eat a lot and some not. Id just try to keep the calories down and pay attention to what you eat. I was so afraid for mos. and still am at times that Im over eating. my surgeon says Im doing great. I tend to get obsessed with it all. I want all this weight off yesterday. best of luck to you.
   — Joan W.

July 15, 2003
See, this is EXACTLY the problem I wanted to avoid, so I had the duodenal switch. I not only eat the tortilla, but have a few chips and nacho cheese to boot. I would go crazy if I had to monitor what I ate to that degree...God Bless you!
   — merri B.

July 15, 2003
Whats the problem?? Only problem I would see is if you got it stuck or got sick off of it. Your human so give yourself a break. It isn't going to kill you to have a tortilla! Do you think naturally skinny people don't ever eat a burrito or other high fat foods? I for one, had this surgery so I COULD eat what I wanted but within limits. I'm almost 2 yrs out and haven't gained a pound since I hit goal. I eat what I want, when I want it. I just don't have the urge to splurge like I used to thanks to this surgery.
   — Kris T.

July 15, 2003
Remember that a lot of RNY patients do NOT dump (and I mean, virtually never). I never do, but I was seven months out before I had an episode ("we all scream for ICE CREAM!") that revealed to me that sad truth. Still, I got to goal, and still, lots of folks struggle with eating more than they would like even when they do dump.<P>I'm with the people who say, Don't beat yourself up over this. It's a good thing when your pouch is healing up to the point where it allows some normal foods. If it's not what you wanted to eat a this stage due to dietary restrictions, well, that's a different issue, but eventually, we all have to face the problem of "What do I do now that I know I can eat more??" To me, having a burrito doesn't sound like you lost your head. Now, the better part of a box of crackers or cookies, or candies ... *that's* trouble!
   — Suzy C.

July 15, 2003
I eat tortillas all the time. I buy the small taco size and I fill it with tuna fish, cheese, turkey, beans, peanut butter or eggs. I can sometimes eat one or if I can only eat half I put it in the fridge for later. I think that is better than the bread. I was told by BTC if I eat anything from taco bell to get the bean burrito, but I just get the pinto n cheese. If you can tolerate it, go for it:o) Good luck!
   — Sandy M.

July 15, 2003
Red, Oh gosh, your subject line cracked me up! I just about cried! I'm glad that you'll be fine (as pointed out by the other posters.) Thanks again, I really needed that!
   — jenn_jenn

July 15, 2003
You say that you made it yourself. So, why is a burrito, a wrong food? I make burritos in tortillas all the time-stuff it with shredded chicken, cheese, refried beans, sometimes scrambled eggs. I've never dumped from a burrito-its not high fat or has any sugar in it...Its one of my favs.
   — Cindy R.

July 15, 2003
The only problem I see is that you don't remember eating it...just be mindful of all you comsume so as not to over eat.
   — Denise S.

July 15, 2003
I wasn't sure if I could eat a burrito. I knew I could eat what was in the inside the burrito. I admit it..... I am afraid of the tortilla. There I said it, but I feel better kowing that others say they can eat burittos. It was a bean and cheese burrito with sour cream. Lot's of protein. Anyway, I received a lot of wonderful responses, some that had me cracking up. I appreciate it too because I have had so many medical issues and it helped me see that in the light of things.... I am going to be ok. :) Well as ok as I ever will be able to be. Thanks again.
   — Red T.

July 15, 2003
If by forgetting your limitations you mean carbs, LaTortilla Factory sells lo-carb tortillas. I'm with everyone big deal to eat a tortilla. And to Merri.. not everyone with the RNY needs to monitor what they eat so closely -- I can eat pretty much what I want at only 3 months out, just in small portions, and of course I choose wisely 95% of the time. The ones who freak out over what they eat are either super-sensitive to sugars or have an idea that carbs are evil (I am in no way bashing someone's personal beliefs about carbs, just pointing out that it's a personal decision not because of the RNY).
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 15, 2003
Don't beat yourself up because you ate a Tortilla. I do occasionally eat them - that's about the only bread I eat. I love quesadillas from Taco Bell and allow myself one about once a month or so. Life goes on after WLS and we will slip up - it's not the end of the world. And if you let guilt about a slip up get to you, then you are more likely to eat things you shouldn't. Relax, and go back to protein - you haven't hurt yourself.
   — Patty_Butler

July 16, 2003
I eat tortillas at least once a week to make snadwiches, for example my fav is thin sliced roast beef lettuce , tomato and horseradish on a tortilla, rolled up. I use all sorts of meats, turkey chicken, assorted veggies in that way. it is really good with hummus and fresh veggies. I had a RNY and my Dr. encourages a balanced varied diet.
   — **willow**

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