Will I get fired?

Hi all I had surgery 10 months ago and lost 130. I feel great but I am comstipated(been a month since I went last)I am also dizzy and feeling really crappy. I know if I go to my PCP he will put me in the hospital. My question is I have been at my job for a little over 3 months, I am past the probation. can I get std? can they still fire me?    — nicole79 (posted on July 17, 2003)

July 17, 2003
hiya~ i don't know about disability but you really need to get to the hospital asap! if you have not had a bowel movement in over a month you are most likely impacted and that can lead to serious bacteria build up in your system. if you are feeling dizzy and "crappy" you very well may have a serious infection going on -- please please get to the hospital right away!! this is your life! {{hugs}} kate
   — jkb

July 17, 2003
In most states it is unacceptable (and even illegal) to fire anyone for a medical emergency. GO TO THE HOSPITAL and have them call your PCP.
   — M B.

July 17, 2003
Yes, please, turn off the computer and go to the emergency room NOW! Have someone drive you in case you pass out.
   — Chris T.

July 17, 2003
I agree with the others. Your job is the least of your worries right now. Get medical attention as quickly as you can. No decent employer would fire you for a legitimate medical emergency (and if they would, you don't want to work there anyway). Get back to work as soon after your treatment as you can, and continue to be a good employee when you come back to work, but right now, take care of yourself!
   — Vespa R.

July 18, 2003
Yes go to the hospital it is probably the best Idea you can count on right now and if you do get put in the hospital and they fire you get a good attourney because there is a little thing known as the medical leave act they cannot fire you because of a medical leave...
   — D P.

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