Has any one found that they have h-pylory and still have surgery?

I was diagnosed with having H-pylory a stomach bacteria that causes ulcers. was put on treatment for it .I have to have another endoscopy done before i can schedule a date for surgery. has any one else been diagnosed with this and still had wls?    — Marsha E. (posted on July 23, 2003)

July 23, 2003
I was diagnosed with H-Pylory before my surgery and had to be on a lot of antibiotics for 2 weeks. It won't leave your blood stream for quite a while but the reason they are doing an endoscopy is make sure it is out of your stomach. I had my surgery on 7/14/03 and had no problems with having it at all. Actually I think that quite a few people have it and still have the surgery. Don't worry. Good Luck.
   — jenniemminor

July 24, 2003
I too had H-pylory bacteria in my stomach. Once you take the meds for two weeks the only way to tell immediately if the treatment was successful is a stomach biopsy. You can't rely on blood work because you will still test positive for H-pylori for 1-2 years. I had an endoscopy procedure and they did the biopsy (uncomfortable but not painful). I got my results back the next day and they were negative. From that point I was then scheduled for my bypass surgery. Good luck.
   — THE NEW M.

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