This is not a question, just an observation on my part.

I would like feed-back on this on how others would feel. I'm a little over 10 weeks post op. Down 47lbs ( YESSSSSS!!!!.) I work in a small branch of a bank. Before I had WLS, there was a man that would come in every week. He had a button that he wore that said "I lost weight, ask me how?" Now, the button itself didn't bother me, and the fact that he wore it didn't bother me either. What bothered me was that he would put it on while he was standing in line. So, it was obvious to me that he was aiming it at me. I never did ask him how. So, anyway after 10 weeks and 47 lbs. gone, he's stopped wearing the button. LOL... But, he has never said anything to me. Just thought it'd be an interesting thing to share. Have a great day. :-)    — KellyJeanB (posted on July 26, 2003)

July 25, 2003
Good grief -- some people. I am cracking up at his audacity. I bet that man thinks that he accomplished his mission when all along you knew you were going to have that surgery anyway. TOOOOO FUNNY. Bless your heart, I'm glad that you have a good sense of humor. Just wait until you're thin and even more beautiful, he's liable to come up with a button that says, "Wanna date me?" LOL!!! ;) Thanks for sharing.
   — Cheryl M.

July 25, 2003
I had a garage sale a couple weeks ago. One f the shoppers was a old customer of mine. I hadnt seen her for years. She came using a walker. Had one knee replaced and the other is bad she told me. She saw my newspaper article awhile ago. She bareely was able to walk. So sad, I did mention WLS and how it elped my knees.<P> I have to try to restrain myself from shouting to every MO person how well this works. Mostly because I wish smeone had told me many years ago about it!
   — bob-haller

July 25, 2003
That is unreal!! I think YOU should now put on that same button when HE is in your line, right after the customer a head of him leaves. (JK!) I know what you mean Bob, I want to tell people so bad and whip out my b/4 pics, but know I can't.
   — ZZ S.

July 26, 2003
Betcha it was a herblife distributor. They are goven those buttons to wear lately. How crase of the man to be so obviously aiming at you!!!!1 Some people have no manners. Good luck on your weight loss. What we have done is much harder than doing all the so-called DIEts.
   — Delores S.

July 26, 2003
Hi Kelly Jean- If he truly lost weight and has the problem that so many of us do pre-op with yo-yoing, I think when that man starts gaining his weight back, you should ask to borrow his button and put it on when you see him in line, LOL! No seriously, don't do it because it might hurt your job :o) But have fun thinking about it and congratulations on your loss !! Mea
   — Mea A.

July 26, 2003
Nothing like a 'reformed' alcoholic or smoker or obese person or the 'born again' Christian. Some of these people think they have to change the world to their ways. Actually, it's just that they have found such happiness and peace that they just want to share it with the world. Unfortunately, this is extremely annoying to those that do not want to, or can not, 'reform'. Pontificating on a soap box turns MOST people off. Good intentions or otherwise. ;)
   — Ginger M.

July 26, 2003
So many of us who have been successful and feel better have wanted to just tell others that they should look into WLS. Unfortunately this is not able to be done. I think he could have put his button on BEFORE he got online, but I bet his intentions were good. I want to shout to others how much difference the weightloss has made in my life and my health. I have been a yo-yo dieter, and have been as low as 135. The feeling of defeat when it all came back on was really difficult to live with. With the surgery I feel like I have a helping hand to keep it off. One good thing though---last weekend I had my MO mother and my father as well as a MO friend (very close) and her husband over for a bbq. She was saying how her knees were getting worse and worse and needed help going down stairs. She had spoken to her boss (an allergist) about the surgery and he, obviously being not very informed is frightened for her to go for a consult. She has other co-morbidities like weight induced asthma and hiatal hernia among other assorted things. Well, anyway, I said, why don't we find out if my surgeon takes your insurance, and just go for a consult and see what he thinks. You never know, and you don't have to schedule a date when you see him, just get the info. I e-mailed him and he does take it. Well, she said, she really had to because she can't live that way anymore. My sister (LC) and I will be there to support her all the way, including going with her to her consult. I am so thrilled she is considering this. My experience, LC's and that of one of her patients has spoken for itself, and hopefully someone else will be joining the ranks of those with a potential of a healthier future very soon. Oh, my body is my button. I wear it all the time. LOL!!!!
   — Fixnmyself

July 26, 2003
So many of us who have been successful and feel better have wanted to just tell others that they should look into WLS. Unfortunately this is not able to be done. I think he could have put his button on BEFORE he got online, but I bet his intentions were good. I want to shout to others how much difference the weightloss has made in my life and my health. I have been a yo-yo dieter, and have been as low as 135. The feeling of defeat when it all came back on was really difficult to live with. With the surgery I feel like I have a helping hand to keep it off. One good thing though---last weekend I had my MO mother and my father as well as a MO friend (very close) and her husband over for a bbq. She was saying how her knees were getting worse and worse and needed help going down stairs. She had spoken to her boss (an allergist) about the surgery and he, obviously being not very informed is frightened for her to go for a consult. She has other co-morbidities like weight induced asthma and hiatal hernia among other assorted things. Well, anyway, I said, why don't we find out if my surgeon takes your insurance, and just go for a consult and see what he thinks. You never know, and you don't have to schedule a date when you see him, just get the info. I e-mailed him and he does take it. Well, she said, she really had to because she can't live that way anymore. My sister (LC) and I will be there to support her all the way, including going with her to her consult. I am so thrilled she is considering this. My experience, LC's and that of one of her patients has spoken for itself, and hopefully someone else will be joining the ranks of those with a potential of a healthier future very soon. Oh, my body is my button. I wear it all the time. LOL!!!!
   — Fixnmyself

July 26, 2003
I can,t wait till he sees you at one yr. post-op. Make sure to flash him a big beautiful smile.
   — charanewme

July 27, 2003
I've seen the button - no doubt the guy sells Metabolife or Herbalife - just one of those many diets that don't keep weight off. He's just trying to get money out of you. Or was. haha. I can understand your resentment of him - completely. My guess is that he lost maybe 5 lbs or so. If he lost more, I am sure he'll gain back. My reaction would be to feel sorry for him. Thanks for sharing. Airing all those LITTLE feelings is our therapy. :)
   — Donya P.

July 27, 2003
GIRLFRIEND, WHAT YOU NEED IS TO GET YOURSELF A BUTTON! HOW 'BOUT "NO, YOU ASK ME HOW I LOST 47 POUNDS!" and whip it out when he comes in! na na na na na na! good luck! -Shiloh
   — SHILOH S.

July 27, 2003
   — christina K.

July 27, 2003
   — christina K.

July 27, 2003
   — christina K.

July 28, 2003
How about a button that says "Mr. Herbalife -- I'd like to smack you! Ask me why!!!"
   — beeda

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