How NOT to stretch your pouch?

Hi everyone- I am still pre-op, hoping for WLS in Jan '04 if all goes well. Most of the time I'm pretty excited about it, but with all my diet failures, a little voice inside is nagging me that I'm going to fail at my WLS attempt also :o( I am afraid of stretching my pouch. Not so much in the beginning, but over time. My question is: Long-term post ops, how do you keep from stretching your pouch? Also, if you feel your pouch has been stretched out, how did it happen? I understand it's supposed to stretch somewhat over time, but how much is too much? Thanks a bunch, Mea.    — Mea A. (posted on July 30, 2003)

July 30, 2003
Your pouch will get larger over time; it's supposed to. My surgeon says it is difficult to stretch the pouch out more than it's supposed to on its own. It is possible, however, if you contantly overstuff it (you would be so uncomfortable doing this that I can't imagine anyone overstuffing constantly). I've also heard people say that too much carbonation will stretch it, but I doubt it--most of the gas will burp out, or go into the intestine with the soda. Also, your pouch is made from the toughest area of the stomach, so it is resistant to stretching anyway. Don't worry about this. You would have to really try to damage your pouch to be successful at any serious stretching. Lots of us worry if we will fail at this, too. Most of us don't. Only 25% of WLS surgery patients are unable to keep of at least 50% of their ecess weight at least five years after surgery while 96% of dieters are unable to keep the weight off after five years (or less). You're in good company.
   — Vespa R.

July 30, 2003
Hi Mea! I don't know too much about the pouch thing, but I do know that in order to be successful for any WLS, you have to change your eating habits. If you continue to overeat, or eat things that are bad for you, you can regain some, if not all the weight back. It is really good that you are thinking about these things before you get your surgery. Good luck! Sheryl - Lapband 4/16/03 - down 60 pounds so far!
   — Sheryl W.

July 30, 2003
the biggest concern isn't stretching of the pouch. Most people who regain do so because of either mechanical failure or eating "around" their pouch, ingesting high-carb foods and sugars too frequently, drinking with meals (not sips, but drinking) and washing the food thru so they can eat more, or grazing. If you follow your doctors advice you should do just fine. Shoot for quality, not quantity and put protein first.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 30, 2003
According to the research I've seen, the final size of your pouch is mainly due to your physiology (how stretchy your stomach walls are) and the original size of the pouch. You COULD stretch it by overeating, but most people don't. One way to keep from overeating is to eat small, frequent meals. My dr told me (and I agree from my own experience) that if you wait too long between meals, you will overeat when you DO eat. Hope this helps!
   — ctyst

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