Hi! This is just encouragement and tips!

Just wanted to let you all know that I had surgery on Oct 8 2002. I've whined on here a couple of times about plateaus and how everyone else seems to get to goal, blah, blah. Well I lost 55 pds right off the bat, and then plateaued for months!!! I mean months!! I was over the edge. (i'm a "lightweight")Only lost 10 more lbs from the end of january to the beginning of June. Yikes!! This was with getting all my protein and 'most' of the water, etc. Well I'm 55 years old, have had hysterectomy and all the other crutches, etc. BUT, i started doing the Leslie Sansone Walk away the Pounds for ABS and let me tell you that is really the answer! And I have a sit down job!I do the 3 mile at least 3 times a week and the 2 mile 3 times a week. They are easy, they make you feel good and REALLY lose the inches and pds. I didn't lose any weight the first month but have lost 15 pds this last month!! WOOHOO!!! Am only 20 from goal now. Another thing I do is go to the carb mall. I get stuff there to help me keep away from the crap, however with this exercise i can eat pretty much what i want without overdoing the carb and sugar. Hope this helps someone out there who is discouraged!! Good luck    — Sharon B. (posted on August 5, 2003)

August 5, 2003
Congratulations, Sharon! I'm so glad you broke through your plateau (and boy, that was a *plateau*!). I love exercise now. Always hated it before ... but it makes a such a big difference when you find whatever routine or sports you like to do. Helps with your weight loss, your outlook on life, and on making up for those little extra munchies we like to have now & then. Continued good luck and good health to you!
   — Suzy C.

August 6, 2003
Hi ......I want to Thank you Thank You Thank You!!!! i have been discouraged here for like the last few weeks. I had RNY 6/30/ the 1rst 12 days I had lost 23lbs!! Then the biig "SCARE!!" in 18days I had only lost 4lbs!! AUGGH!!My surgeons nurse weighed me and said the words that cut like a knife...**You are not loosing as much weight as you should be!!"**I couldn't belive it. That whole day I was depressed a miserable and felt like a filure. Then the next day I held my chin up and I said..I will not fail! I started back on my 45 min spead walks and start to write everything I ate down and watched what I ate...Well 1 week later I had dropped 6lbs..and now today which is 1 wk 2 days later I have dropped 9lbs since that appointment. Bottom line it was a true blessing for me to see your posting let me know that I am not alone and that I sure can make it. Thanks..and sorry for running on. Take care and stay sweet. Tiffany RNY 6/30/03 was 295 now 263.
   — Tiffany G.

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