how do you ask for a free proceedure

Hi everyone! I am going to my surgeon on the 15th of this month for my 6 month check up and to decide on a date for a hernia repair. I would like to know how I should bring up the topic of a complimentary tummy tuck with my hernia repair...I understand that this is pretty customary when dealing with bariatric surgeons...but, I just don't know haw to ask. Also, if my bariatric surgeon will not do it wrong to go to a plastic surgeon and say if you do my hernia repair and throw in the tummy tuck...then I will come to you for my breast lift and implants. Thanks everyone. Lynn starting weight 250/now 141...6 mo.p/o    — hooterzgirl75 (posted on August 8, 2003)

August 8, 2003
Good luck to you, I have never heard of a free surgery, But it cannot hurt to ask!
   — Saxbyd

August 8, 2003
I know that quite often those procedures are combined so the patient doesn't have to pay 2 anesthesiologist fees. However, I've never heard of the surgeon not charging for both. News to me... Shelley
   — Shelley.

August 8, 2003
I agree with the others. NOTHING is free when it comes to medical care, especially surgery. Most you can hope for is to save some hospital fees because of doing two procedures at once. Also the 2nd procedure will be paid at 50% by your insurance assuming they approve of it and/or the 1st procedure. Good Luck, Chris
   — zoedogcbr

August 8, 2003
You can always ask, but don't expect them to agree to anything for free. I agree with the others if you combine surgeries you will save on hospital expenses etc but I am sure the surgeon will ask for a fee for each procedure he does.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 9, 2003
Asking for a complimentary tummy tuck with your hernia repair? Hmmmmm - In my opinion, I would be worried about insulting both surgeons by asking for something "complmentary" or "free"...especially if it's a doctor you have met for the first time......
   — Kim W.

August 9, 2003
Just ask the Dr. if there's "something you can do about this flabby stomach?" If he says yes, take it from there as in "would that be included in the hernia repair" or "would insurance cover that," etc. Don't mention complimentary or free. Good luck I hope you get it!!
   — msmaryk

August 11, 2003
Most plastic surgeons won't do a hernia repair. There speciality is Plastic surgery. This is considered general surgery and not covered under their malpractice insurance. You would need to have a general surgeon and a plastic surgeon. Personally, I would NEVER want my general surgeon to do a tt. They don't have the expertise that a plastic surgeon does to really make the tt look great.
   — Patty H.

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