Plastic surgery before done having children?

I'm looking for any information on people who have had plastic surgery to fix their excess skin before they knew they were done having children. My husband and I know their is a possibility of one more child in our future, but I'm not far from goal, and starting to think about plastic surgery. Any advice would be great!    — Heidi H. (posted on August 12, 2003)

August 12, 2003
Hey-I know you can get a boob job before you have kids-just look at Pam Anderson!!! Also, I heard you can get a tummy tuck but that you shouldn't have your muscles tightened till after you're done having kids. I can't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to get any batwings you have taken care of...but I dunno about a lower body lift. This is just what I've heard, hopefully someone can give you some definites!
   — jenn_jenn

August 12, 2003
We had a great presentation at our support group meeting last month by a couple of plastic surgeons that have worked on many of the people in the group and locally. Load of info but stressed if you are having more babies do it before surguries that way you don't stretch everhthing out again and some people have had excessive weight gains during pregnancies and need to lose again before plastic surgery. Congrats on weight loss and Good Luck w/baby thing!
   — Deborah F.

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