Long term post up needing support please!!!!!!!!!!

Hi there! I am approaching my two year anniversary of my WLS and am really down in the dumps. In June I had a large portion of my intestines removed (not due to WLS) and almost died because my intestines were dying. The week I returned to work I feel and broke both the major weight bearing bones in my right leg. Since then I have been entirely non weight bearing. I have not exercised since May and feel like a lump. Not being able to use my leg has left me to be at home a lot. This has led to boredom and overall 'grazing' of food. I have gained about five pounds and am very stressed because of it. Not to mention being in this 'funk' I can't seem to talk myself out of eating. I know I have gotten myself into a bad routine of eating all day long and I need some advice on how to get out of it as well as some good support from all of you! Thanks so much! AMY    — purdue_1993 (posted on August 15, 2003)

August 15, 2003
Hi Amy!~I am so sorry for what has happened to you, it just has to be so hard to carry on under those circumstances. Could you possibly graze on things like protein shakes or shaved ice and water? That is what I try to do. I love the shaved ice and get my water in best that way. I found a great protein mix by American Sports Nutrition called American Whey. It is sweetened with fructose. They quit using stevia in it. It has only 1 gram of sugar in it and is not overly sweet. I use the creamy vanilla extreme but they have many flavors and I order mine from a store on the internet. Do not use the American Sports Nutrition site itself because they are too expensive. <p> Before my surgery I could barely walk. When I was at first going thru the Wish Center, the exercise physiologist gave me the idea of chair dancing. I did not have to use my legs. It can be done even in bed. Just move something to music. I found it fun and quite relaxing. And I started losing weight too. I found that it started lifting my spirits some to have the music going and getting my blood moving too. <p> Are there any hobbies you like to do? Is there anything we can help you with? Do you instant message people or play group games on your computer? Are you able to be on your computer for a long time? I had mine set up in my bedroom right before my surgery and for quite a while afterwards. It really came in handy there. Just know we are pulling for you. Let me know what your diet is like now and maybe we can think of things for you to eat. I know if you get water in, you will be full. Also protein shakes fill me up too. Email me at [email protected] ~Lise
   — Lise W.

August 15, 2003
Amy, first of all, if you are 2 years post and have only regained 5 pounds, your doing pretty good, so don't get too stressed here. 5 pounds is so much easier to take care of than 25 (remember our pre-op days!?) Remind yourself that the broken bones will heal and that it is a temporary situation-eventually you will be able to use your leg again. Boredom and stress are a bad combination. The previous poster had a great suggestion - stay on line in the chat rooms keeping the fingers busy, morale up, and away from food. Some exercise is also possible, upper body weights, ab crunches, just so that you feel like you are doing something. Other things to keep you busy- bubble baths, crossword puzzles, phone calls with friends,just think of anything to occupy your time and keep you away from food. Someone else once said that when they feel like grazing, they drink a glass of water as fast as possible (I think this is called water loading), if they still want to eat, they drink one more glass, and then if they still want to eat (which they usually don't), then they will eat. As a last resort, if you can't trust yourself, get all the junk out of the house!
   — Cindy R.

August 15, 2003
I'm so sorry to hear of your rough time. I think you're doing remarkably well, and are very centered to be concerned at only 5 pounds. I agree with the others that you might be able to help yourself stay away from food if you can find something else to do with your hands during the day. Can you pick up a craft hobby? Maybe organize old photographs? Anything that keeps your hands too busy and full to reach for food. Perhaps you could do some kind of volunteer work (either for the AMOS site, or your church or another local organization) that you could do from home (address envelopes, fold mailings, make phone calls...). Also, don't keep tempting foods in the house. Keep things like string cheese, nuts, jerky and other protein based foods taht will fill you up if you can't resist the urge to eat. I like the idea of promising yourself that you can eat X only after you've had a glass of liquid. Quite likely the liquid will fill you up and you can skip the snack. There are also lots of exercises you can do while seated. Do a search on the Internet. Not only will exercising keep you away from food, but it will burn up those 5 pounds, and keep any of more their friends at bay. And, a previous poster is right: your situation is temporary. Better days are ahead. Good thoughts to you.
   — Vespa R.

August 20, 2003
I am sorry for all of your recent health problems. It seems like life has thrown you a "pothole". I agree with the others that if you've only gained 5 lbs, this is terrific!! I bet you couldn't have been able to do that pre-op. I am still pre-op, but I don't ever want to forget where I came from. Would it help to think about how you felt pre WLS vs how you have been able to lose this weight and do other things now prior to these recent health problems? I amd not trying to make light in any way the tough time you are going thru now. I'm just trying to think of something that might help. I have heard that if you arre bored or depressed helping others can help lift your mood. Maybe some of the other ideas below (internet chat and AMOS or computer help) might help you with your stressful situation. I hope you get some good answers here. I'll keep you in my prayers. All things are possible with God. See my profile if you want (alcoholic-non drinking for 12+ yrs).
   — bufordslipstick

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