Support groups near Rancho Cucamonga, CA?

If yes, please tell me when/where! If no, is anyone interested in starting one? I'd love to work with anyone who is interested in starting one. My regular support group is simply too far away...Pls e-mail me!    — Amy A. (posted on August 15, 2003)

August 15, 2003
I don't know how far away your support group is right now, but I go to a really good one in Riverside. It is hosted by Inland Bariatric (Dr. Sanderfer). If you would like the schedule email me and let me know.
   — Kendell C.

August 16, 2003
i am interested in joining. i live in corona but i work full time and commute so i would not be available to start one. if you get the group then email me @[email protected]. good luch to you. LILL
   — LILLZ

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