How do I sneeze safely post op?

Before surgery I was a 10 times a day sneezer. I'd wake up and it was part of my morning ritual... once it passed I was good for the rest of the day. Today is day 14 since surgery and amazingly I haven't sneezed yet, but the last few mornings I have had the urge like you wouldnt believe... I have been warding it of by rubbing and blowing lightly... BUT daily the urge grows. This morning I took a tablespoon of childrens Benedryl, and the urge passed but so to did my alertness... ANY IDEAS?????    — colette73 (posted on September 17, 2003)

September 17, 2003
Have a pillow handy to hold against your tummy--it helps a whole lot. It also helps if you can remember to tighten your abdominal muscles just before the sneeze. There's less jarring that way. I don't know how to prevent a sneeze altogether.
   — Vespa R.

September 17, 2003
I was worried about sneezing too..then at week 2 got a horrid head/chest cold, and didnt have much say in the matter. It wasnt as painful as I thought it would be. The worrying about it was definitely worse:)
   — kathy B.

September 17, 2003
Two thoughts - as soon as you get the feeling of being about to sneeze, how about blowing it instead?? Also, if you do sneeze, don't hold it in - just let it flow out - I think the restraint of trying to hold it back it what makes it hurt, but just thinking here. ~~~~ If you have chronic allergy problems, your doc can recommend an Rx, such as Zyrtec which is a really tiny pill that works great.
   — bethybb

September 17, 2003
Pressing a pillow to the incisions really helps... also, blowing your nose before the sneeze has a chance to manifest helps too! :~)
   — Sharon m. B.

September 17, 2003
Are you wearing an abdominal binder? I didn't have any problems with sneezing and it really won't do any damage to your incision. Like the previous poster said, you might try using a pillow but I really didn't need one.
   — Patty_Butler

September 17, 2003
Hi, the day before surgery the nurses showed me how to cough and sneeze, especially cough because they want you to keep your lungs clear after surgery. With both hands hug the pillow around you and center your hands over the incision and it really softens the "blow". Take Care
   — Karen Renee

September 17, 2003
Hi Colette- I am still pre-op but dread sneezing because I have horrible disc problems, and sneezes can be painful and blow the discs out even worse. The suggestions about the pillows were great. If you are somewhere like the living room that doesn't have a pillow, try to lay your stomach on the couch, against the back of the lazy-boy chair, anything for support fast. I do this in reverse because of my back :o) Good Luck, Mea
   — Mea A.

September 18, 2003
Talk to your surgeon about 'Allegra", if you are able to take it. My son would sneeze the minute his feet hit the floor, sometimes even before, all the way to and thru the shower, leaving a trail of kleenex, the Dr. put him on Allegra and he rarely sneezes any more, not one for about 3 weeks, it took right away.
   — pateblkbrn

September 18, 2003
Talk to your surgeon about 'Allegra", if you are able to take it. My son would sneeze the minute his feet hit the floor, sometimes even before, all the way to and thru the shower, leaving a trail of kleenex, the Dr. put him on Allegra and he rarely sneezes any more, not one for about 3 weeks, it took right away.
   — pateblkbrn

September 18, 2003
Have you ever tried one of the nasal sprays like Flonase or Nasonex? I have mild allergies (sneezing mostly), and I use Nasonex. I've never had a problem with side effects. You use it every day and it takes a few days to work, but then it still works even if you miss a day. You could have a mild allergy to dust mites, or something else in your bedding. I first realized I had allergies when I noticed that I would sneeze in the mornings whenever I was at a hotel.
   — cabingirl

September 18, 2003
For a month after surgery i couldn't sneeze.I would start to sneeze and I would brace myself for the upcoming pain,then the sneeze would just stop before it hardly got started.It was a strange thing but I was grateful.
   — jennifer A.

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