why am I cold a lot of the time?

especially my hands.. the get so cold they almost hurt. Is it because of the loss of "insulation"? had wls on 5/15/03 down 72lbs. I feel great otherwise, just get cold fast. On a good note..someone told me at work the other day that I look awsome... :-).    — KellyJeanB (posted on September 19, 2003)

September 18, 2003
I am cold too. I read that this is one of the side effects of surgery. We are "losing our padding" so we are going to be cold. Congratulations on your GREAT weight loss. I am still waiting for mine to pick up.
   — Eleanore Davis

September 18, 2003
It is probably from the weightloss, but being extremely cold is also a sign of hypothyroidism. You might want to have blood work done just to make sure.
   — S A.

September 19, 2003
I was always a hot natured person, I guess cos of all my fat, (insulation) but after surgery, I started getting cold too. I stopped being cold and then, I had a tummy tuck 4 weeks ago and right after that, I was cold again, I mean chilling, I was laughing at having to have a blanket and quilt on me in August!! But, that passed again. I am no longer cold so I would say to you, it will probably pass after a while. Good luck!! Keep warm, ha! ha!
   — Judy W.

September 19, 2003
A lot of people get cold after the surgery. I have heard people say it's because of loss of insulation but I don't think that's all of it because I was very hot natured when I was a normal size. I am not cold now, but I can tolerate heat better than I could when I weighed 346. I do know that my surgeon has told other patients that it's "normal" for some people to get very cold.
   — Patty_Butler

September 19, 2003
I've also heard it described like this: When a normal stomach is digesting food it creates a great amount of heat in the process. After WLS we've essentially extinguished our internal furnace. I'm sure that it also has quite a bit to do with the loss of our insulation too.
   — Kimberly B.

September 20, 2003
Kelly, i get the same way and always told cuz we lost our insulation but i think its a chemical thing? dont know
   — Deanna Wise

September 20, 2003
being cold is a sign of low iron in some cases. take iron pills, up your iron or get your iron checked in your blood. as always, consult your doc too good luck j
   — Jennifer S.

September 21, 2003
This could also be a sign of a condition called Reynaud's Syndrome which is a circulation problem and causes extreme cold hands and feet, including blue fingertips. It can be associated with many auto-immune conditions so you may want to speak with your doctor.
   — Janet S.

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