how do you know when you are ready?

Hi all! I am a year out. I lost quickly! I have only lost 20 pounds these last 2 months so And for the past few months it has been stable. I weigh 165 and I am 5'6" and I wear a size8/10. My breasts are still large, a DD and sometimes an F. My back is killing me. My stomach is all loose skin, I mean there is some fat in there. I like the way i look but the skin and breasts are killing me with aches and rashes. I can pull on the skin like silly putty. I am afraid about the TT/Breast reduction. I have been going back and forth on the issue for a while. I go to see the Plastic surgeon on 9/29. I want to plan ahead and work it around school, so either in Jan or May. during the breaks. My question is how do you know if you are ready? My PCP, Obgyn, Surgeon and chiropractor all say I am ready. BUT how do you know? I am spending more time on this decision then on my intial decison to have WLS.    — nicole79 (posted on September 22, 2003)

September 22, 2003
Here's how I would decide - think to yourself: Am I ever going to get this fixed or any I going to suffer with this for the rest of my life? If you know you'll have it done eventually, have it done now - none of us are getting younger, and probably not any healthier, so get it over with and start enjoying your new body!
   — bethybb

September 22, 2003
I knew I was ready when I got to 150 pounds and saw this nasty huge belly and felt like I really hadn't lost almost 100 pounds. I was 9 months post-op and was 20 pounds from my goal weight of 130 so I had my abdominoplasty. It made a world of difference in how I looked. By the time I had surgery, I weighed 140 and the surgery took 5 pounds of ugly skin off and helped me reach my goal a month later.
   — Patty H.

September 22, 2003
I just went yesyerday for a plastics consultation. I was in your same shoes. I have 10-15 pounds to go and the PS told me that as long as we are within 10-20 pounds of our goal the surgery canbe done with no ill affects later if we lose 10 more pounds. I was unsure of what was fat and what was skin and he assured me that with 10 pounds to go it is mostly skin. He said he would probably get off about 10 pounds so I would be at my goal or within 5 pounds. I was freaked out by the consult and so now it is just about getting ready mentally. I feel guilty spending the money but know that I need it done. I will feel so much better about my body. I am getting a tummy tuck and a leg lift at the same time. Good luck.
   — Carol S.

September 23, 2003
Since most of us lose until at least 18 mo post-op, surgeons recommend waiting until you have stabilized for a while before having plastics. Plastic surgeons will tell you its OK if your within 20 pounds of goal weight. Personally, since you are a year out now and one of your options is the break in May, that would put you at the 18 mo mark, so I would consider having it done then.
   — Cindy R.

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