I was wondering if it is possible to get insurance

I was wondring if it is possible to get insurance on your own that covers plastic surgery? I am working at home now since April when my company closed and since then have not had insurance. I know I can get insurance on my own but is there any out there that would cover plastic surgery like on my thighs and arms. Do they have insurance that just covers plastic surgery? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Bonnie Open RNY 284/154/145 -130 pounds    — Bonnie C. (posted on September 24, 2003)

September 23, 2003
Hate to burst your bubble, but you probably can't get insurance, not an individual policy, anyway. If you're post-op from WLS, NO insurance company will cover you unless it's a group policy. Unless company policies have changed since this spring, I'm afraid it's not going to happen. My former employer didn't pay our group policy with BCBS of Fl and it was cancelled, so I called around to a couple companies, including BCBS and they said no. In fact, no insurance companies will cover you on an individual policy for 5 years post-op. I was shocked and furious. Now, if you check around and find out differently, I would LOVE to know about it, which company, etc. I've changed jobs and am waiting for my new group insurance to kick in next month. Good luck ... and like I said, if you do find one, please let me/us know!
   — KelBurt

September 24, 2003
I agree with the previous poster. I am one year post op and absolutely could not get ANY company to write me on a private policy after surgery. The only way I could get insurance coverage was through the department of real estate (I am a realtor). They have a group policy that you can join with no restrictions on pre-existing conditions. I was most disturbed with my findings as well but from what I can understand nobody in my support group meeting has been able to obtain a private insurance policy.
   — Kellie M.

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