Has anyone used Diflucan Post Op for yeast infection

I am 7 weeks post op and would like to take the Diflucan pill. Has any Post ops tried them.    — Bumblebee B. (posted on October 5, 2003)

October 5, 2003
Yes - I had the worst yeast infection of my life about a week after my surgery - from all antibiotics they give you in the hospital. I called my PCP and he called in Diflucan and it worked for me. Hope it works for you - yeast infections can make you miserable.
   — Margaret G.

October 5, 2003
I also was prescribed oral Diflucan for 5 days. I had developed a rash on my abdomen, chest, underarm areas shortly after I was discharged from the hospital. My physician said that the ailment resulted from the IV antibiotics that I had received following my Lap RNY. I also supplemented the medication by applying Cortisone 10 cream and Lotrimin Ultra to the sites 1x daily because I was so "itchy" and my skin was irritated. Hope this helps.
   — dreamernsc

October 5, 2003
I am 11 weeks post op and am in the midst of using Diflucan. It seems to be working great.
   — TheresaC

October 5, 2003
If you have to be on any anti-yeast medication (Diflucan or Sporanox, etc.) for any length of time make sure that your doctor is checking your liver numbers. These medications can affect your liver. I had to do a long term series with both drugs earlier in 2003 (between January and late March) and ended up with very high liver numbers. What I learned from the experience for me is to look for methods outside of medications that can possibly adversely affect the liver. Yeast is no fun that is for sure.
   — Arizona_Sun

October 5, 2003
I did use it after my last plastic surgery (massive amounts of antibiotics caused the infection). However, it did not clear up my infection completely. I went to my OB/GYN and she said that while diflucan can normally clear up the infection completely, in my case, it only cleared up the internal infection. She then had me get monistat-1 and that cleared up the external infection.
   — Patty H.

October 6, 2003
I got a yeast infection while in for my wls...itchy itchy! It comes from something in the IV drip. My pcp prescribed two pills (one/day for two days) and it cleared things right up. I crushed easily and ate in applesauce since I was sooooo freshly post-op.
   — Donya P.

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