When did you see results post TT

I am one week post TT, thighs and arms. Although I recognize I am very swollen and have retained almost 20 pounds of fluid in the hospital when did you start seeing you TT results. I see my hang is gone but I'm all lumpy and it still seems like theres a roll eventhough its not hanging can this still be swelling just curious how you started to gauage your results.    — Laurie B. (posted on October 21, 2003)

October 21, 2003
I didn't see the final results of my tummy tuck til about six weeks afterwards. It took that long for the swelling to go down but once it did, it was great.
   — Patty_Butler

October 21, 2003
I had my TT on July 16, 2003. It took me 2 months to really see the change. I was very swollen. Ask the Dr. how much he took iff! Than made me feel really good to hear that there was 7 lbs of fat/skin gone when I was all swollen and sore
   — Sarah G.

October 21, 2003
I've typically read to figure at least 3 months to notice and at least 6 months to really get the full effect of what was done. Swelling or not there is no way I won't be able to notice something with about 12-15 lbs of skin and fat gone. That's what the PS feels he will remove. I know my back is likely to notice it right away. YEAH!
   — zoedogcbr

October 21, 2003
Laurie, I am 4 weeks post-op from a TT and everytime I see myself naked, I repeat my mantra "it's takes 3 months, it takes 3 months".(smile). I'm still swollen and retaining fluid - so much in the past few days, I have a "new" roll right above my incision. I'm seeing my surgeon today and will find out if this is normal swelling, or too much and he needs to remove some of the fluid. I do find myself wondering if I'll really have a flat tummy when all is said and done.
   — Cyndie K.

October 21, 2003
I am 2 months post op from a breast reduction and abdominoplasty. They took 16 pounds of skin. I could see a noticeable difference the day after surgery because my stomach was flat. My breast however are a completely different story. They are at present slightly square and definately swollen and by the end of the day they are red. Every day however my body is getting better and I can see swelling going down and things falling into place. Hang in there, you will make it and in the end you will be quite pleased I am sure of it! I went from a size 28 to a size 8 (and never thought I would) Sarah
   — faretoremember

October 22, 2003
I went into the hospital for my tt weighing 140. When I got out the next day, I weighed 145!! It took about 4 to 5 weeks to see the swelling go down. when it did, I lost 2 clothing size differences - going from a very tight size 8 to a comfortable size 4. Give it time.
   — Patty H.

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