What does H.Pilori feel like?

I did go through the library first, but there seems to be limited info on the subject. I am 8 mos post op & have been having stomach cramps. It does not feel like Acid Reflux (it went away after surgery), but I can only describe it as an ulcer feeling. No heartburn, just twinges of deep recurring pain like my stomach is cramping. Like a really nervous stomach. I even have it when I drink water. I have never had an ulcer so I am not sure. I called my Surgeon and can't get into him until the 18th (he can see me before then, I just can't get there until then). He thinks I might have H.Pilori which I know is a bacteria that can cause ulcers. Anyone know what it feels like? Can anyone give me H.Pilori / RNY info? Most of the info on the web about H.Pilori refers to a regular stomach not and RNY tummy. My best to one and all!! 4/03 283/200/175    — M B. (posted on November 4, 2003)

November 4, 2003
I have been tested for H-pilori,I can describe the feeling as a constant burning in the stomach and the chest. It can be treated and killed with a cocktail of antibioctics. I have failed to complete the medicine. I was asked to take 2 pills twice a day for 14 days. That is a bit much for me along with the 2 iron pills and 2 vitamins that I have to take even befor I have the surgery.. Good Luck. It can be cured
   — Steffanie J.

November 5, 2003
H.Pylori is a bacteria. You will not know that you have it until they test for it. The bacteria can cause stomach and small intestinal ulcers and gastritis. They think it is transmitted orally from food or water.
   — Kara J.

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