Celiac Sprue diagnosed AFTER WLS?

Hi- I had Lap RNY 18 months ago. <br> It is looking like I <i>may</i> have Celiac Sprue. My anti-gliadin antibody test came back positive, and I am having a GI consult next week... possibly a endoscopy and small bowel biopsy to follow. <br><br> Has anyone been diagnosed with Sprue after WLS? <br> How did you do with the severe post-op WLS diet (I am a terrible dumper) and a gluten-free diet? <br><br> Thanks for your help, and please email me if you'd like. <br>-shelli    — kultgirl (posted on November 11, 2003)

November 11, 2003
What exactly is that?
   — Fancy

November 11, 2003

   — chelle3081

November 11, 2003
Thanks- luckily I had found a lot out there on the web about Celiac Sprue, but nothing about WLS Post-Ops with it... and how the biopsy is done after the RNY. Guess I will find out for sure in the consult.<br> -shelli
   — kultgirl

January 31, 2004
Shelli, I wouldn't think that the WLS caused you to get Celiac Sprue. My understanding of celiac sprue is that is connected to your genes. However, it can lie dormant in your body until something triggers it. The only thing to do for celiac sprue is the gluten free diet and you have to be very careful because gluten is hidden in many things such as catsup, mustard, vinegar, etc. I'm gluten intolerant and have a celiac sprue stool test to come back positive for celiac sprue, however, my anti-gliadin antibody test was normal so I'm not sure if I have it or not or if I just haven't gotten bad enought yet for the antibody test to show positive. On top of this I have collagenous colitis and Irritiable bowel syndrome plus diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. I have my consult with the surgeon on 2/11 and are scared to death they will tell me I can't have the surgery because of all my bowel diseases.
   — Cathy W.

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