I have been getting intermitent redness in and around my belly button.

I do not get the suprapubic rashes I hear some speak of. Just in my umbilicus. Has anyone had this? I noticed tonight there was a bit of an odor associated with it as well as some moisture. I go for my 6 month check up this week. I am down all but 20-25 lbs. I do have some skin sag above the belly button but not a ton. Anyone else have this problem? TIA- Lisa 4/22/03 LAP RNY 252/172/150    — Lisa K. (posted on November 11, 2003)

November 11, 2003
I've had this many times before and after WLS surgery. I usually have a small amount of pain and discomfort when this condition flares up for me. My understanding is this isn't anything to be alarmed about - i.e., nothing serious is wrong. To deal with this, I make sure to wash the inside of the belly button with soap and water (via q-tips) when I shower, and try to dry it out with (also with q-tips). I've also used peroxide (a disinfecting and drying agent). Good luck.
   — sweetmana

November 11, 2003
when it is red and irritated let your doc look at it and document it, it could be a yeast infection that might help you with a tummy tuck approval.
   — **willow**

November 12, 2003
I am not a Dr. but I have had the same condition, it sounds like a yeast infection of the skin, sometimes when there is a skin roll, or in the belly button it can get moist and the yeast loves it, it will have a fowel odor and be red usualy with some oozing, or moisture. Just make sure and keep it very clean with soap and warm water, and if it gets to bad Dr can give you some yeast infection cream for it.
   — mememetl

November 12, 2003
Thanks everyone. I never realized that this was WLS related. Just one more thing for me to document for my TT. I now have my PCP, chiropractor, surgeon and dermatologist keeping notes in their records. I see the GYN next month and will ask what he can add to my records.
   — Fixnmyself

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