Who started at 251 and 5ft 3inches.. How much did you loose at 8 months post op

And how much can you eat at this point.. I have lost 93 pounds since surgery. 98 pounds from my highest weight of 256... Somedays I feel like I used to eat before surgery. I dont think I am but it feels like I am.. Today however I have only gotton in 500 calories so far .. Why is it some days it seems you cant stop eating and others you dont eat anything..    — Catherine B (posted on November 19, 2003)

November 19, 2003
I started at 249, and am 5'3. Go to my profile for a month by month (at the bottom) loss thru 21 months. If I recall, your ahead of where I was at 8 months. I also have somewhere in there a menu for a normal day for me, but it was at 1 year post-op. You will have days where you are hungry and seem to eat alot and other days where you don't. Thats fairly normal. Consistency also comes in play-different food consistencies determine how much you can eat too, with less of the dense foods and more of the softer foods. Sounds like your doing well...
   — Cindy R.

November 19, 2003
My surgey was March 26 so March 26 on November will be 8 months .. I am 5 ft 3 and a half ,starting weight was 248 now I weigh 158 and havent lost anything in 6 weeks :( I hope Im not done :( Are you still loosing steady ??
   — ruthie

November 19, 2003
Hi, I am 1 inch taller and started at 241. I am 6+ months PO and have lost 71#. I sometimes also have days that I cannot eat very much and other days that I cannot get enough. That is a common question here on this site.
   — ChristineB

November 19, 2003
Hello! I am 42 yrs old, 5'3" and started out at 235. I'm 7 1/2 months out and am down 91 lbs (weigh 144 now). I've gone from a size 22 to a 8. I'm like you - some days I can eat more than others and some days I have to remind myself to eat. I normally eat anywhere from 1,000 to 1,200 calories per day and am still losing, but I exercise like crazy. I still cannot eat a lot at one sitting, and normally have sereval small meals throughout the day. I stay away from white carbs and sugar, and I try to go high protein, low carbs, moderate fat. Barb
   — Barbara C.

November 19, 2003
I'm glad you asked the question and so many responded with the same feeling. It's just good to know that I'm not the only one out here that feel like I eat as much as I used to on some days. Not sure of my weight loss, I'm scheduling my appointment soon for a follow-up. I'm PO 3/11/03.
   — Tie C.

November 20, 2003
I am 5'3" tall and I started at 270 pounds, I am almost 21 months post-op, I lost 160 pounds and over 120 inches,I lost almost all of that weight in the first 6 months,,I was a size 3xxx and size 28, I am now wearing size 0s and xsmall tops...check out my profile!!!
   — bikerchic

November 20, 2003
I'm 5'2 and started out at 248. I lost about 100 pounds at 8 months post-op. When I had my tt at 9 months post-op, IU was down 108 pounds and weighed 140. You need to make sure your exercising A LOT and getting in at least 1000 calories a day or your weight loss will slow down. Your getting close to being at goal.
   — Patty H.

November 20, 2003
I am 5'3" and I started at 253. Surgery was 03/03/03 so I am about 8.5 months out. I have lost 100lbs. I too eat more on some days and the next day struggle to get in a few bites. This week I have actively been trying to eat better. I have had a small salad with chicken, cheese, bacon and salsa. I do struggle to eat it but I know I need the protein. In all honesty most days it is a chore to eat and I dont get quite enough in. Just do your best and all will be good. 98lbs lost is wonderful
   — kaysjourney

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