My doctor insists that I start taking iron pills.

What are the best type of iron pills to take with the least number of side effects, also are they over the counter or would I need a prescription for them? Thanks for all your help    — goldroses (posted on November 25, 2003)

November 24, 2003
My surgon perscribes Iron pills for any women who hasn't gone through 'the change'. My drug store is having a hard time finding them so I'm going to ask surgon at next appt. if I can go to an over the counter iron pill. Your best bet is to ask what type you are to have. Good Luck, Robin, 11/17/03 open RNY
   — Robin W.

November 24, 2003
if you buy OTC, try to find chealated iron or carbonyl iron. The ferrous sulfate isn't absorbed by post op patients as well. A lot of docs do give you a prescription for iron. Good luck!!!!!!
   — Delores S.

November 25, 2003
I agree with Delores on the carbonyl iron. I use Sundown brand, and have been able to find it at my local Eckerd Drug store. It is also available from I take it at night before bed with my Vit C and have never had any problems with upset stomach to this point. I do think any iron can contribute to constipation, but I use other products to counteract that.
   — Carlita

November 25, 2003
I recently started taking the chewable iron tablets sold at I really like the strawberry flavor and I feel like I have more energy now. Good luck! ~Kristy (lap rny 9/18/03 - 320/274.5/168)
   — kristynush

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