LBL with bariatric surgeon?

Has anybody had a LBL or TT done by their bariatric surgeon after they reached goal? I'm scheduled for 12/29 with my original WLS surgeon to have LBL. He has 7 years experience in doing LBL following WLS. After meeting twice with an actual Plastic Surgeon who will do my arms, breasts and thighs in 2004 after I'm healed from the lower body lift, I have some concerns about using a regular surgeon for LBL. The PS said he did not think I would get the results or body contouring that I expected. Anybody have this type of experience or concern?    — Vicki S. (posted on December 2, 2003)

December 2, 2003
The only thing I can give as advice is to speak to the surgeon about contacting other patients he has done or asking to see before and afters to view his work. I think before and afters are pretty common when talking PS. If your Dr won't give references to patients he has done PS for (privacy, etc) Perhaps you can track some down through support network or our boards. Good luck to you!

December 2, 2003
DON"T DO IT!!! He isn't a Plastic Surgeon!! You went to this Dr. because he specialized in WLS, right? Why would you even consider going to him for PS?!! I've seen TT's done by a WLS surgeon and it isn't pretty. He used STAPLES for crying out loud! NO lipo for contouring and this woman had a huge lump of fat on her flanks and now wishes she had spent the extra money for the PS. He also pulled the skin WAY too tight and she was unable to stand up straight for a month! He also didn't even tighten her muscles. Believe me, if your just going to him for money reasons, you will regret it! Go to a board certified plastic surgeon! This is major surgery and you don't want some amature doing this to you.
   — Kris T.

December 2, 2003
Vicki, I will be having a LBL (abdominoplasty and lateral thigh lift) in Feb and there is zero chance I would have my WL surgeon do it. He is an excellent surgeon but he is not going to give me the same results that a skilled PS is going to. There is a lot to the LBL and the only reason to go for that extensive of a surgery is for good looking, nicely contoured results. My surgery will be 9 hours. I would let my WL surgeon do a panni, but that's it. Besides you are likely to get a much better looking result from the PS. Mine will use glue to close the skin, whereas my WL surgeon would probably go for staples. Go for the PS but make sure he or she also has had good results with it. I saw many pictures of befores and afters that my PS has done.
   — zoedogcbr

December 2, 2003
My WLS did my TT. After seeing the diff between a PS tuck and this one in my support group, there was no contest. They pulled up, forward, down, rebuilt my figure to be less boxy. Gave me the tummy of a 20 y/o on this ol' bod. I have seen what they call a 360 on people who have lost several hundred pounds and it is impressive, though, of course it didn't make them into teenagers. A 5'2" woman starting at 500+ needs things done in stages, generally, but still, she was absolutely delighted with the work she got. Here, our WLS pull tighter than the PS, because they don't worry about blood supply. We had enough supply to support XXX lbs more than we have, so there's plenty. Oddly, we also do not use binders. My TT is now 8 yrs old and my tummy STILL looks young. The rest of me has aged, unfortunately. lol. Check around at your local groups and see who did what and how it turned out. The picture album in the office is a fair indicator, but nothing like seeing the work at 2 yrs, 5 yrs with your own eyes.
   — vitalady

December 2, 2003
I would only go to a PS for this type of procedure. They are the experts in that area. If your approved by your insurance for it, why wouldn't you want to go to a PS who will do the better job??
   — Patty H.

December 2, 2003
Normally I would say don't do it, but it sounds like he has alot of experiance. This is a procedure that many Plastic surgeons don't even do. I would say look at pictures and interview patients. Check out his results. Maybe he's great at it with all that experience, especially with massive weight loss patients.
   — mom2jtx3

December 7, 2003
I had my initial tummy tuck, arms and thighs done by a regular surgeon. He was a wonderful person, but he was not a plastic surgeon. Needless to say, his work was definitely not that of a PS. My plastic surgeon redid my tummy during my lower body lift, and my arms and thighs could use her help as well. Not to mention that I have severe nerve damage on my right thigh which may be permanent. I should note that he had done these types of surgeries as well. That being said, he did an excellent job on my gallbladder removal, but if I had to do it over again, I would not go to him for the other stuff. This is just my story. I would ask to see some of his other LBLs. This should tell you whether you would be satisfied or not. Best of luck to you!
   — Beffy W.

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