How does a cold affect the pouch?

I am a pre-op, but I wanted to know how a cold affects the pouch? Not to be gross, but there is a lot of mucus and post nasal drip that gets into the does that affect a post-op? Also, what about cold medicine? Thanks    — Erinn D. (posted on December 8, 2003)

December 8, 2003
It is kinda gross but when I had a cold, it seems like the mucous keeps your pouch pretty full. Made me a little queezt too. But I lost a lot of weight that week. There is always a bright side! Leda
   — lmaxwell

December 8, 2003
The mucous is the only thing that affects the pouch. The doctor said to drink a cup of something warm to fluch it out before you try to eat or it can make you nauseaous. I use Diabetic Tussin over the counter for colds and coughing. It is really good and doesn't make you sleepy.
   — Delores S.

December 8, 2003
I'm just recovering from a cold and I was pretty queazy during the worst part of it. I used to take Nyquil and after about two doses, I'd be okay. I didn't do that this time since I'd read on this web site that Nyquil could make you dump. Well, finally in desperation after fighting the cold for almost a full week, I decided to risk it. No problem at ALL! and I slept great that night and by the next morning my head was pretty clear and nausea was gone.
   —  SCbabe B.

December 8, 2003
I'm just getting over a bad head cold with all the post-nasal drip stuff. I have found that if you eat regularly, it keeps you from getting nauseous on an empty stomach. With that said, it was the same way pre-op!!
   — Cindy R.

December 8, 2003
I am 10-months post-op, but seem like a pro at this since I have severe allergy and sinus problems. Plus I just got over the flu. Anyway, just with my sinus and allergies alone, I have the problem of mucus draining on my stomach. The good news is that is helped with my eating habits. During these periods I usally only eat soup (chicken noodle mostly) and I drink lots of fluid (hot tea and water). If I even think of eating something greesy/fired I get sick with the thought. I think the suggestion of drinking hot fluids is good idea before you eat. But PLEASE be causious about what you eat after, most foods you normly eat will NOT work well when you have mucus draining on your stomach. This is why I stick to soup and crackers. Best Wishes.
   — Tie C.

March 4, 2005
I am suffering from a cold right now, and Iam 1 month post-op. I have figured out that if I eat, I throw up. Therefore I think I will stick to a liquid diet until it is over. I don't want to go through what I went through today! YUCK! I feel like I have a pouch full of mucus! (I probably do). My advice is to stick to liquids, until the cold is over. :)
   — Christopher3296

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