Pregnancy after mesh?

Has anyone become pregnant after a hernia repair with mesh....If so ..what happens with the mesh as your abdomen grows? I just had a double hernia repair w/ mesh 8 days ago and I was curious. I also read something in the archives about the naval disappearing after the mesh repair....any truth to this?    — hooterzgirl75 (posted on December 18, 2003)

December 18, 2003
I still have my belly button. Had my hernia repaired with mesh in 2000.
   — Morna B.

December 18, 2003
Lynn, I can't answer your question about the pregnancy part, but I can tell you that after I had my hernia repaired, my belly button does not look anything like it did before! It's a small, awkardly shaped hole with an upside down smiley face above it.
   — Kim B.

January 20, 2004
I had a hernia repair surgery in Feb. 2003 with the mesh. The mesh in my belly is 10 inches by 5 inches (the entire incision line herniated). I am now 8 1/2 months pregnant and have had no complications with the mesh or previous surgery. There was a little pain as my belly grew where the muscle was pulling a little on the mesh but the doctor said that was normal and would not disrupt the hernia surgery or interfere with the baby or uterus or anything. I have only gained 13 pounds with my pregnancy after losing 100 from my WLS. I hope this helps you!! Sarah
   — Sarah D.

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