No more Bextra?

I have arthritis in both of my knees. I have been taking Bextra and it's been working great. I have surgery in less than 1 month and my doctor has taken me off of it and told me that I would never have to take it again??? I realize that as my weight goes down, that there will be less pressure on my joints - but won't I still be hurting because of the arthritis? Has anyone not had to take their arthritis med's after the surgery? Thanks! Cj    — Cj B. (posted on December 19, 2003)

December 18, 2003
I just thought I would give you my take on this. I am 3 1/2 months post op and down 65 pounds, 50 pounds from goal, from a size 24 to a size 16. At my 3 month follow-up, I told the doctor my heel spurs, my knees, my hips, my lower back, etc., hurt more now that I have lost weight than they did 65 pounds heavier. I asked what is up with that? He said that I am losing my cushion. He had me add glucosamene (SP????) to my vitamin regimen, can't tell you if it works or not have only been taking it since December 11th.
   — Shari M.

December 19, 2003
It is so funny.... right after surgery when I was taking NO medicines at all for arthritis I did not even feel that much pain. But now that WINTER has arrived I am back to feeling the arthritis. I am now back on my arthritis meds but I am taking ultracet (super tylenol) because it is the only thing that does not make my stomach ache a little. My stomach is so much more sensitive now after surgery to the arthritis drugs. They say you are not suppose to take anymore NSAID drugs after WLS... ulcers.... Maybe you are just going to have to find another drug that relieves your pain after WLS. But it was funny how at first I was able to stay off the arthritis meds... I think I stayed away from them for 3 months or so. God Bless You in your Journey! I have lost around 60 lbs and the arthritis is better but of course it is not CURED!!! I still need the knee replacements. Sigh! Again, God Bless!
   — Eleanore Davis

December 19, 2003
When I left the hospital after my RNY, my surgeon told me that I would have to have total knee replacements - that losing weight would help some but that there was no way that I would be "cured". I didn't want to believe him, but he was right. I was 55 when I had my RNY November 29, 2001 and July 30, 2003, I had a total knee replacement on my right knee. The left will be done next year. My surgeon allows me to take Celebrex when the pain is so bad I can't stand it but then, only for 5 consecutive days and then I have to be off them for 5 days. I rarely take them for more than 2 or 3 days and then am off them for several weeks. I wish you the best of luck with your surgery.
   — Patty_Butler

December 19, 2003
I have arthritis in my lower back and was told the same thing, no more vioxx or any NSAID. However, my quality of life was not the same without it, even after losing weight,so my PCP allowed me to start back on vioxx, one a day, a few months after surgery (surgeon was not happy with this). At 18 mo post op I developed a pouch ulcer due to the vioxx (which is harsher than bextra) and went off it for a month while the pouch healed. Rough month. My surgeon and PCP agreed to allow me to try bextra but I have to take cytotec 3 times a day with it. You see, the NSAID doesn't just get stuck in the pouch and burn a hole, the NSAID also prevents the protective lining from forming in the pouch. Cytotec protects the lining. (my non-medical explanation!) That was a few months ago, and so far so good. If you can live without the NSAIDs your better off, but I made the decision that quality of life was worth the risk..discuss this with your PCP and surgeon...
   — Cindy R.

December 19, 2003
This is one of the many reasons that I chose to have the Duodenal Switch, rather than the RNY. If NSAIDs are impotant to your quality of life---and they are, to mine---look into this alternative WLS procedure NOW. You can find good info right here on the Duodenal Switch Message Board, or at or
   — MsBatt

December 20, 2003
I'm the same as you. I tried the other arthritis meds for the past few years and they always upset my stomach so I was on Bextra for about a year before my RNY on 6/10/03. I had a blood clot after surgery & had to take blood thinners for 3 months after, so couldn't take Bextra. They allowed me to go back on it after the 3 months as long as I take Prevacid also every day. It's been over 3 months since I've been taking Bextra every day & I'm fine. If I should start having any problems with my pouch I'm supposed to stop them & call the surgeon to get checked out right away. I'm down 84 lbs in 6 months!
   — Rita G.

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