Doesn't any worry about kidney damage...?

Doesn't anyone worry about kidney damage from drinking so many protein shakes? I know sometimes you need to supplement, but with some people it seems like they are drinking protein shakes all the time sometimes in place of eating real foods. Also I do not understand why people get so upset about carbs. I know sugar is problematic, causes hunger and can trigger old behaviors etc., but what is wrong with complex carbs? I mean aside from if you cannot tolerate these foods. I don't want to have this surgery to eliminate all carbs from my diet...I want to have it to modify my behavior and learn moderation and eat like a normal person....a balanced, portion-controlled diet. Is this possible or am I certain to be relegated to drinking those protein shakes all the time?    — Sara A (posted on January 9, 2004)

January 9, 2004
Every person on here is different. After RNY you don't absorb protein well for the first year. You don't have to do shakes but you will lose better and be healthier if you do. I don't know anyone who drinks more than 2 shakes a day which is 20-40 grams of protein. Considering we need 60-80 minimum, I don't think there'll be kidney damage. People need to drink their water though, that is the most important.
   — mrsmyranow

January 9, 2004
You are absolutley right about the complex carbs. Your body needs complex carbohydrates (especially your heart, brain and lungs). It is best to avoid the refined carbs, but by all means get adequate nutrient and fiber intake with whole grains, vegetables and fruits. An earlier poster is right that we need to supplement our protein because of malabsorption (if you have a WLS that creates significant malabsorption). Protein drinks are a sure way to supplement, but not the only way. I do not, and never have, used those god-awful protein shakes, but I do supplement my protein to get the 80 grams recommended by my dietitian. 80 grams is about 11.5 ounces of pure protein. It's hard to get that much in with just your meals. Also, this is why it's important to drink enough so that you can keep your kidneys flushed. You really should discuss your concerns with either your doc or your dietitian so they can explain the hows and whys of your program.
   — Vespa R.

January 9, 2004
Sara, there are many, many post-ops that do not drink protein shakes once they are able to eat enough grams of protein a day. For some, they prefer protein shakes to eating animal protein, but for others, like me, who get their protein thru food, I will have a shake to supplement if eating a non-protein meal, which is usually just on the weekends. As for complex carbs, I am totally in agreement with you, and so are many others. Not everyone severely limits their carb intake post-op, althoug some do per their doctors instructions. But for most of us, complex carbs, like fruits, veggies, beans, are a daily essential and part of our normal diets. You've got the right attitude-modifying bad eating habits, learning moderation and portion controlled diet. The surgery gives you a great head start on all of those.
   — Cindy R.

January 9, 2004
There is no medical evidence that a high protein diet causes kidney damage if you have healthy kidneys to begin with. If you already have kidney problems, then it would be a concern.
   — Shannon B.

January 9, 2004
I think the kidney damage comes from animal sources of protein.. like beef etc. I think the amount of supplements I use are probably fine... as to complex carbs.. I have no problems with them.. I eat them.. I stay away from sugar and other simple stuff.. mostly white stuff and stuff that crunches... who's getting upset? You don't have to drink protein shakes.. some of us prefer them to meat sources.. I know I do, its better for you. You do have a higher protein need than most NON WLS patients, so keep that in mind. You can't really eat like a normal person, you're not normal anymore and you weren't before either.
   — Lisa C.

January 14, 2004
First . . . Drinking pre-digested whey protein doesn't cause any kidney problems, because it's the digestion of animal proteins that *might possibly* damage kidneys. The whey shakes are ready to absorb, require no digestion. <p> Second . . . I was ready to cut all milk and sugar from my diet, and thought that eating fat, protein, veggies and other complex carbs would be great. Unfortunately, I can handle very little in the way of carbs. YMMV. We're all different. Sometimes, I can get away with a quarter of an apple, or a little high protein, low carb bread. Other times, it has me taking the *BIG NAP* under the computer desk shortly afterwards. <p> Others live on complex carbs and protein shakes . . . I live on protein shakes, protein foods, and veggies, occasional SF desserts. But I'm smaller than I've been since about 12 years old, and happier, too. <p> Hope your journey is as *you* like it . . .
   — RWH G.

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