Panni or no panni??

Hi friends I am having a problem making up my mind. Here's the story: I am 25 years old, had an open RNY 14 months ago and am at goal. I went from 311 lbs. to 149/150 lbs. depending on the day. A few months ago I went to see my surgeon for a one year check up and panni consult. All is well, and he is willing to do a panni on me, although he says my excess belly skin is very little and he doesn't see how it could really bother me. It does!! I have a date booked for my panni in June, could have had it sooner but need time to think about this. My husband is against me having more surgery, just thinking it is unnecessary. Also, we have no children and he thinks if I have the TT now it will be wrecked by pregnancy and I'll be complaining about my belly again. My surgeon says it is fine to have it now, but after I have kids my belly will just look like any other woman's, I'll have a little "pooch" or "mommy's tummy", as he likes to call it. I have no plans for kids for at least 3 to 4 years, barring any "oopsies" as I am trying to get back into college. I don't think I can live another 5 years with this excess belly I have. I am not doing this to look good in a bathing suit or anything, I just want to wear a pair of jeans that fit me without a huge roll of skin and fat hanging over the top. When I sit down you can see a big roll on my stomach too. I have seen much larger pannus' than mine, but it is really bothering me. So, I would appreciate any opinions, good or bad, on this issue. One day I say "life is too short, do it and enjoy your new body" then I say "no, don't put yourself under the knife for vanity, learn to love yourself the way you are". I am so confused, please help me!! Hugs, Kim S. Open RNY Nov. 4/02 (-162 lbs.)    — Kim S. (posted on January 23, 2004)

January 22, 2004
Hi Kim- I say go for it. You have done so well and lost so much..You deserve to finish the job. The only setback I would see is cost. Will Insurance cover, or is it self pay? I already know I want it done when I am finished losing (6 months out, -90lbs still have about 40 to go) but I would not even be able to consider it if insurance does not cover it. Congrats on your loss! Jeanne
   — J O.

January 22, 2004
I had it done and am so happy that I did!! We would spend more on a new car than PS . If there is no medical necessity then you are doing it for vanity. 85% of the reason to go ahead with ps was vanity. But that is just me
   — Robert L.

January 22, 2004
Congrats on your success! Are you talking about having a panni or a TT? If you're planning on having kids, I wouldn't have the full blown TT until after. If you're just talking about a panniculectomy (removing the skin using a bikini line incision), then I would say go for it!
   — mom2jtx3

January 22, 2004
Hello! I would have to ask the same question as the other posters to make up my mind - is insurance covering it? I had a TT about a month ago, and I am not sure if I will have any more children or not, but there is a possibility that I will. I just won't do it anytime soon! I know exactly how you feel though. I didn't think I could handle that roll of fat for another year or two until I decided whether or not we were going to have another baby. If I need it redone, I will. I will probably have to self-pay, because insurance covered the first one. I also have an e-mail friend that had a TT, and then accidently got pregnant four months later! Big woops! Anyways, she had the baby last month, and I haven't talked to her again since the baby was born, but she's supposed to get back with me to tell me what she looks like after her stomach was stretched back out again. She didn't have any complications at all during the pregnancy. NOT that I would recommend having Tummy TUcks routinely done before children, but I'm just saying that I know of others who had no problems.
   — raye

January 22, 2004
Hi sweetie! You have done great! You're such a youngster, and have gotten a new chance to enjoy life - with college and a sweetie and everything. If you're talking about a panni, I say GO FOR IT! You're young enough that you'll bounce back from the surgery just fine. Vanity? Maybe. Self-Confidence? ABSOLUTELY! If the little pooch bothers you, and makes you feel less than the goddess that you know you are, get rid of it! Best of luck to you! P.S. Oh, and after kids, you can be PROUD of your little mommy tummy cuz you'll have earned it! On the other hand, I don't see Shania Twain, Faith Hill or Demi Moore having any problems w/ their Mommy Tummies!
   — ScottieB86

January 23, 2004
Hi everyone, original poster here. Just to clarify, the surgery I am talking about is a panni, supposed to be removal of skin only, but my surgeon will repair and tighten any muscles that he sees need it. I am Canadian, so no insurance worries here, not for this surgery anyways. It is covered by provincial health care as "reconstructive" after the weight loss. The muscle work my surgeon does is his little "treat" to his RNY patients, as he doesn't get paid for this service. Thank you to all who have answered my question so far. Hugs, Kim S.
   — Kim S.

January 23, 2004
Wow, what a great guy to throw the tightening in for free. Here is my take on the situation. I am 30 and have no kids (yet), I got insurance approval for a panni last August and was all set to have it done. My thinking is, even if your skin stretches out during pregnancy it will never be as bad as having the rolls and stuff associated with massive weight loss. I didn't get to take advantage of my approval last summer because I found out I was pregnant, but after this baby, I'm going to see if my approval is still good and go for it. I'm tired of having to buy a bigger size on bottom just because of the extra skin and fat left over. Good Luck.
   — Ali M

January 23, 2004
Hey there. Congrats on hitting goal. :) I had my tummy tuck (upper AND lower abdominoplasty) this summer. I asked NOT to do the muscle tightening since I heard it was painful and not needed if you have not had kids (I am 24 with no kids). But he did it anyway...and HOLY CRAP. It hurt like heck!!! I couldn't walk straight up for 5 weeks and I took 3 refills of 30 pill vicodin before my pain had subsided. I will say that my stomach looks fabulous, but I'm sure it would just as good without the muscle touching. I would ask him for before/after pics of the panni and the full TT. It's a personal decision.
   — Paula Prichard

January 24, 2004
I say do what is right for "you", and the heck with anyone else. Obviously you don't feel it is vanity, but feel it is a necessity for feeling good about yourself. Psychological heath is as important as physical health! Trust you will rely on them greatly as a mommie too...
   — Carol S.

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