Is it realistic to think I can return to work in 3 1/2 to 4 weeks ?

I am consulting with a plastic surgeon next week to get the ball rolling for coverage for an abdominoplasty. I am planning to have it if approved, in August, following teaching summer school. I will have 3 1/2 weeks to be at home, and another week where I will be back at work doing planning and meetings, but no children or teaching. I could be off ofr my feet for the majority of that time. I am hoping that this will be enough time. I returned to work after my Lap RNY in just under 3 weeks, and have had other abdominal surgeries where I went back after 2 weeks. I know I'll be tired, but I am most concerned about the pain level. I am pretty tolerant of pain, am a good healer, and am the type to just do what has to be done. I just don't want to fool myself. Thanks!!    — Fixnmyself (posted on February 10, 2004)

February 10, 2004
I plan and hope to be off max 2 weeks after my lower body lift on Feb 23rd. The surgeon said he did not want me driving for two weeks but that if I felt up to going back to work sooner and someone could drive me that was fine. Time will tell. I basically have a job that I can control how much moving around I do and can get others to do lifting of anything I might need. I went back 1/2 days the 3rd week after WLS. Unless you run into some significant problems you probably will be fine with the time you have available. I have a 2nd PS in early May, so I cannot afford to be off too long either time. If I need more I will take it, but actually for me getting back to a normal routine was very theraputic after my WLS. <p>Good Luck!
   — zoedogcbr

February 10, 2004
I had my abdominoplasty done in August of 2002. I was off for a total of 3 weeks. I could have went back to work at 2 weeks (sit down job). It was a pretty easy surgery in comparison to the RNY. There not cutting any muscles - just stitching up the muscles in your stomach area.
   — Patty H.

February 11, 2004
Hey! I am 7 weeks post op TT. You will be ok by week 3 for sure. Unlike the previous poster, this was a MAJOR surgery for me... way worse than RNY or C-sections. Read my profile for details. Good luck! You will love your new FLAT Tummy!!!!! gail @ goal
   — Bama Beach Girl

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