I have stopped losing weight!! It is to soon!!!

I had the gastric bypass and I starter at 219# I was losing great but now have stopped!!I now weigh 185ish,I take my vitamins and eat good,drink a fair amount of water and other liquids.Is it possible that I will not lose anymore?I feel and look great,but was hoping for more of a loss!By the way I am 10 weeks out,I don't excercise oftenand get very close to the protein that I should.My biggest fear is that this is not just a plateau!!    — natalie J. (posted on February 20, 2004)

February 20, 2004
I checked your profile and couldn't tell much from it but since you're only 10 weeks out, the "plateau" couldn't have been too long and losing 35 pounds in 10 weeks as a lightweight is super. I'd say keep doing the right things and give it just a little time to see what happens.
   —  SCbabe B.

February 20, 2004
Trust me! If you are only 10 weeks post op you will loose more weight. Vary your exercise and drink plenty of water.
   — Jodie S.

February 20, 2004
I am in the exact same boat. I am three months out and have not lost anything in about a month. My starting was 234 and I am now at 188. My dietician tells me that it is just a plateau, I hope she is right.
   — Mini Gadget

February 20, 2004
Before I had my WLS my biggest fear was that I would be the one that never lost any weight, that I'd be a failure at yet another weight loss attempt. Every plateau I hit, I just KNEW to the very bottom of my soul that was all I'd lose. Guess what? I did lose more just like YOU will lose more. At 10 weeks out your body has to play catch up. Just be sure to stick with protein first and drink that water, exercise as much as you can (just a nice walk will do) and you'll do great. Good luck. ~Sidney~ Open RNY 10-23-02 down 130+ and below goal
   — Siddy I.

February 21, 2004
10 weeks out.. you're no way done. You will lose up to apx 1 year to 1.5 years. You're going to have many times when you think your done, but just relax and know it will start in again. I made a chart back in my first year (I'm almost 4 now) and found a pattern of when it stopped and started, you might want to do that too. Usually when you're not losing weight, you're losing inches GOOD LUCK!!!
   — ZZ S.

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