Okay, this is a weird question...

Today I've been feeling extremely light-headed. Whenever I stand up or move quickly I get dizzy. Also, when I was walking on the treadmill today I got light-headed more and my face started to go numb. What the heck is this? I've been drinking plenty of fluids and had all the protein I need. However I don't think I've had as many calories as I normally do. I haven't been very hungry the past couple of days. I've also been exercising more. Do you think this is something that shall pass or should I be concerned?    — mars.renee (posted on March 1, 2004)

March 1, 2004
Of course if this is something new, you really should call your surgeon and let him/her know. I didn't read your profile, but are you taking your vitamins and b-12? Have you had your lab work checked lately? You said you are getting your fluids in, so I would think that you are ok as far as dehydration goes, but definetly keep up with your vitamins, and call your surgeon for sure!! Until you see your surgeon, change positions slowly..don't get up too fast, with the dizziness, etc, you could possibly faint. Hope this helped. Good luck with everything =)
   — sara P.

March 1, 2004
It could be anything, you must go to your doc. to me it sounds like a ulcer, when ever I have a constant hunger pain, my ulcer is flaring up. I am not a doc, so get to your doc so they can help you. take care
   — B4real

March 1, 2004
It could be anything, you must go to your doc. to me it sounds like a ulcer, when ever I have a constant hunger pain, my ulcer is flaring up. I am not a doc, so get to your doc so they can help you. take care
   — B4real

March 1, 2004
Have you checked your sugar. Sometimes when my glucose gets too high or even too low I get dizzy. Just a suggestion.
   — Vitabella

March 1, 2004
Please see your Doctor. I don't want to bash or critizise anyone's advice, but, I don't think we should be giving out medical advise. We have no idea if this is even WLS related. You need to call your Dr and tell him exactly what you told us. The numbing in the face could be many things. Don't play with your health!! Thanks !!
   — KellyJeanB

March 1, 2004
I felt like this a few weeks ago. When I called the bariatric office I found out that my vitamin levels, especially B-1, B-12, Iron, potassium, and even protein, were low. I was started on a regimen of vitamins (some of which I was suppose to have been taking anyway, but hadn't). I feel much better now. I was actually shocked that my protein levels were low since I had been drinking one shake a day that had 64 grams in it, plus I was eating mostly protein throughout the day. I've been told to split my shake and drink it at two seperate times, plus eat even more protein supplements. Now I get in about 90 grams a day. As the other posters said, don't just take my advice, but see your doctor. Definitely get blood work done.
   — Steph Elaine

March 1, 2004
Two words..... "LOW POTASSIUM". It is VERY dangerous! It could cause a heartattack. I had wls on May 8, 2001. All that summer I had several spells of NUMBNESS. It started in my hands.... quickly went to numbness in my forhead. That moved like "waves of heat" down my face, to my neck, then chest. I stayed in my hands, but flashed to my nose, and back and forth around my head and chest at different times. It did'nt hurt, and I felt stupid, but I informed my private doctor. He was to busy to see me but said to go immediately to the ER if I was concerned. I'm a firm believer in lisening to my body. Although I was in no pain, I KNEW something was NOT right. Thank God I went to the ER as my potassium had bottomed out and I was immediately given two IV bags of potassium. It stings the veins but it is preferable to possibly going into a heart attack. Gesse, you were exercising while having this spell. I'm surprised you did'nt have some kind of heart problems. If you are still having this numbness, go to the ER. I would'nt wait. Because "IF" this is potassium (and it sounds EXACTLY like my symtoms) it is not something that can wait. None of us are qualified to tell you, "yes this is low potassium," or "yes this is something else". But this is so much like what I went through.... I fear for you. Please contact your doc immediately. Feel free to tell him my symptons of low potassium (read my profile for the summer of 2001). If you can't get your doc, go to the ER... at least go IF you are still having the numbness. Also I had to go on potassium pills... they did'nt work! I still ended up in the ER later. Come to find out they were TIME RELEASE. Then I was on liquid potassium. It was so vile I could'nt drink it. Finally I got a GOOD DOCTOR who went the extra mile and did some reseach and found a NON time release potassium... KCOR tabs. They did the trick. PLEASE DON"T WAIT ON THIS, just in case it really is LOW potassium.... DANGEROUS.
   — Danmark

March 2, 2004
I completely agree with Daniel. I was experiencing the same thing during the last few weeks. I had just started following Atkins Induction phase to jump start my weight loss. I had completely forgotten that the book stresses the importance of taking a potassium supplement. I looked up the symptoms of a potassium deficiency on the internet and I had all the signs. Check this out immediately because it is very dangerous. Michelle :) 270/163/130
   — Michelle_S

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