TT done 3/12 with 3 drains...having probs with clothing

I've lost roughly 130 lbs since my lap rny done in 12/02 and have just had a TT on 3/12. Only 1 lb of skin was removed and my abdomen is extremely flat now, even though it's just 1 week later.My only problem are the 3 drains in my pubic region that extend seriously to the floor if unpinned. I'm getting one drain out later this week, but the other 2 will be in for 3 more weeks....and I'm having a horrible time finding clothing to cover them. Any ideas? Elizabeth Lap rny 12/13/02 268/138 TT 3/12/04    — E M. (posted on March 23, 2004)

March 22, 2004
I am at about the same place you are. My TT was done on February 23rd and I still have two drains in. I let me drains hang while I put my binder on then pin the drains to the binder on the outside. I place the tubes inside of whatever pants I am wearing and let the bags hang on the outside at my hips. I wear a baggy shirt to hide the bags. I can wear jeans or loose pants. I can't wait to put on a two piece bathing suit, I am so excited. Good Luck Angela 8/8/02 324/150
   — Angela A.

March 22, 2004
Overalls or loosely fitting pants with pockets work great. Just pull the drain tubes over the top of the waistband (remember - loose fitting) and pop the drain bags in the pockets. It's easy as pie. Just remember to take the drain bags out of your pockets before you pull your pants down to go to the bathroom. OUCH! You can also use a fanny pack like you might use at an amusement park. Put on the fanny pack, tuck the drain bags inside and you're ready to go. I used both of these methods when I had plastic surgery. Best wishes to you!
   — ronascott

March 22, 2004
I ended up having to have my drain in for 3 months (had two originally; both taken out; then one had to be put back in). I was given a binder after surgery. Which I was told to use... I 'pinned' my drains to my binder. and my cloths just went over both. I used skirts and loose dresses - and because my tummy was gone there was more room in them.. no one noticed and I had to go to work with them for weeks.
   — star .

March 22, 2004
I had a TT 4-9-02 and have had so many problems since Gaurd those drains with yourlife my body rejected them 10 days after they were put in so all that fluid had to come out pushed 5 holes in my incision line and when the fluids under the skin do not let the skin adhere back to the flesh smoothly if the drains come out too soon so do not hate the drains protect them with yourlife pin them to your underwear wear lose summer dresses I did not lose much weight after the TT but having a TT is like wearing a girdle you can not take off when you over eat just a little it is mirerably tight that feeling is leaving now and I miss it my tummy did not lay flat because of losing the drains and I have been battling a Staff infection for 2 yrs but a TT is worth it I thought the pain was worse with the TT then WLS good luck a TT is the crowning touch Kathy McAlister in CA
   — Kathleen M.

March 23, 2004
Oh yeah - I remember it well... My hernia repair/abdominoplasty was in late May - and it got really warm, and I gotta tell you - Goodwill can really be your friend. Found a bunch of loose - but not moo moo-ish - type dresses and wore them. I, too had to wear a binder for 3 months, and pinned my drains to them. No one was the wiser. BTW - let me just urge you to allow your body plenty of time to rest - if you don't, the swelling will get BAD, and take weeks upon weeks to go away. Drink lots of water. Get small walks in daily. And treat yourself very nicely! Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

March 23, 2004
The drain tubes suck. I'm going to have them put in when I have my inner thighs done in May. Normally, for the tt, my PS leaves the drain tubes in for 10 days maximum. He told me on my last visit that for the thighs he could leave them in for up to 3 weeks!!! I have to go back to work in 13 days so I've already told my boss that I may have to wear in sweat pants for a week to accomodate my drain tubes. Her response was that as long as I was back at work I could wear in my pajamas!!! I would try to find some of your old fat clothes and wear those, especially if there baggy in the crotch and upper leg area. Otherwise, big sweat pants are an option. I wear the skin tight sweat pants now (since I can!!) and I actually had to go out and buy 2 medium big old baggy pair of sweatpants to wear after my surgery!! Trust me, they have PLENTY of room and no one can even tell I have any drain tubes!!
   — Patty H.

March 23, 2004
I had my tummy tuck on 3-15-04 and yesterday my doctor removed both of my drains. Prior to that I just wore loose fitting pants (stretch excersize type) or sweats and I took the lines and draped them up through my undies and the ball were pinned to my binder. I found pinning the balls to the binder worked best for they didnt get tangled or pulled on that way. I wish you the best of luck with the new adventure in life.
   — Holly B.

March 23, 2004
Elizabeth, I am just surprised at how long they want those drains in. I just had my TT 3/17 and had only 3 pounds of flesh removed. I only had 2 drains and one got blocked so they took it out. I have only one drain now and there's a good chance it's coming out tomorrow. The output isn't that high. I am averaging about 50 mls every 12 hours. This morning I only put out 20 mls. And that's with one drain. You should talk to your surgeon. How much drainage are you putting out? How often is your surgeon rechecking you? maybe you could get them out sooner. 5 or 6 weeks seems long to me. And congrats on your amazing weight loss! We have done it girl! Lap RNY 2/10/03 282/160/135 goal
   — RedHeadBeauty

March 24, 2004
I had my TT on 2/10/04 and had 10 lbs. of skin removed. I had two drains. They had to be draining less than 30 cc's per 24 hrs. to be removed. The first one came out after 2 weeks. The second one came out at 4 weeks. They are really a pain. I was go happy to get rid of them. Wear loose clothing, pin them to your binder, wear a panty girdle to hold them, wear a fanny pack to carry them in, whatever works. By the way, my plastic surgeon said that they should not be taken out too early because you'll get the waterbed effect and have to go in for drainage with a needle. He also said that the second drain was coming out at 4 weeks, no matter what. He said that there was a risk of infection if it stayed in longer than that. Good luck to you. I am now drain free and loving it. I also love my new flat tummy. Janice
   — Janice S.

March 24, 2004
I had my last one in for a month - and just wore baggy sweatshirts to cover them. It is worth the pain and appearance to keep them in. Infections are not pleasant, not by a long shot. For a staph, then bunch of surgeries I had before, I went home with 6 and had two of them for over 2 months after going home. Would still do it again to be here now :)
   — kultgirl

March 24, 2004
Just call me the queen of drains! I had 5 drains from my lower body lift and had them 3 weeks and 1 day. 3 days later my doc had to put a drain back in to empty the lower abdomen. He got 350cc's out immediately. Then 3 days after that I had another drain put in my left hip and they removed 680cc's of fluid immediately - total 800cc's for that day. So now I am 4-1/2 weeks PO and still have 2 drains and not sure when they are hitting the road. The first one added back in isn't producing anymore and the one in the hip is finally slowing down. The doc suspected I would have problems as 3 of the 5 drains were still producing way too much when he removed them but he did not feel comfortable leaving them in any longer for fear of infection. I am just starting another round of antibiotics related to adding the last drain. The last thing I would need is an infection on top of this mess. <p>As far as clothes I have worn nice looking sweats for the most part. Till I had the major fluid build up in the hip I could wear some pants and then pinned the drains to the outside of the pants and just wore a longer top or sweatshirt over them. If my boss didn't like it tough, as the altenative was I'd be off. Yes I look pregnant at times with my babies bulging out my shirt but that's the way it goes. Just try to get creative!
   — zoedogcbr

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