Exactly how painful is it after you get your pannus removed?

I am almost 6 months out and have been talking to my doc about future plastic surgery.I am not going to have a TT just skin removal,are there drains involved and how long do they stay in?Would you do it again? Natalie 228/169/150    — natalie J. (posted on May 3, 2004)

May 3, 2004
I had my anchor-incision panniculectomy/armlift done as an overnight stay in the hospital. I could have had it done in the surgical suite of the plastic surgeon's office, but I was nervous about the pain issue. In hindsight, I could easily have done this as an outpatient from a pain standpoint, because the discomfort was minimal compared to any other surgery I have had (including the lap RNY). However, this IS a major surgery with a fairly long anesthesia time, so it was nice to be monitored overnight in the hospital. I came home with four drains....two in each side of the lower abdomen just where the thighs join the tummy. many and where they are placed....may vary from surgeon to surgeon. Some surgeons believe in taking them out after only a few days to reduce the chances of infection....some believe in leaving them in until the drainage stops, which could be weeks. My surgeon belonged to the group that leaves them last stubborn drain came out at seven weeks infections, no complications, and I believe that I experienced minimal swelling post-op because the drains stayed in place. Some folks experience discomfort with the drains, but for me, they were painless while they were in and painless when they were removed. It was just aggravating trying to find a way to creatively pin them to my underwear so that they wouldn't be noticeable when I returned to work :-) I was back to work full-time in 10 days, and yes...I would do it again in a was the best decision that I ever made for me next to the WLS! Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

May 3, 2004
I'm 6 days out from having a full TT with tightening of the stomach muscles. No pain with TT. But, the stomach muscle repair is another ball Not so much pain as discomfort, but I took a pain pill every 4 hrs those 1st 3 days and none afterwards. In fact, I'm walking straight up as opposed to being bent over like I was the 1st 4 days. Being in good health/shape really helped. I have 2 drains, that should be removed this morning, very little drainage. I'm amazed how flat I am even with a little swelling. Yesterday was my 1st day I felt like my usual old self. This morning is even better. Eating good protein and drinking lots of water is the healing diet for plastic surgery, plus rest. Having a great surgeon is a must, also. Had my breast reduction/lift 5 months ago and drains stayed in a week. My PS was surprised how quickly I healed compared to others, but there again we all heal different. Funny how one can be cut hip to hip and have no pain or soreness, but I was the same way with my Br/lift and Lap RNY. Never took pain medication for those surgeries either. I really didn't think I needed the muscle repair done, but like my PS said, "I'm in there and might as well have you look the best you can, besides you would have regretted not having it done, because both go hand in hand and results are awesome" I said "Bring it on" lol No regrets from me. I will love not having rashes under tummy/breast area and enjoy sporting around a flat and firm stomach/tummy at age 54! All my friends at water aerobics are jealous.... lol I was a 26 14 months ago and now a 4, but should end up a 2-3.
   — Hazel S.

May 3, 2004
Forgot to mention I had surgery as an out patient. Surgery lasted 4 1/2 hrs and I was home 6 hours later. Same with my breast reduction/lift.
   — Hazel S.

May 3, 2004
Just like WLS, everyone's experience will vary and there is no way to predict it. I had a lower body lift so I'm not a good comparison as I was in the hospital 3 days, lost almost 5 units of blood and had to be tranfused 3 units, and ended up with drains for 8-1/2 weeks. But all that said I would do it again as I am very pleased with the results. I was 10 weeks PO from the LBL yesterday. <p>The panni surgery is easier in some respects as it's a shorter surgery, therefore less chance of major blood loss etc. But it can have it's problems too. So go in with the understanding that there can be some post op issues but they can all be dealt with and in time will be gone and you will be rid of the skin, which is WAY worth any problems that come up. Most of the PS in this area go the conservative route and have you stay in the hospital overnight with a panni. Just to monitor blood pressure etc. Your PS will be able to tell you what typically has been his experience with his patients. The more you have to remove the greater the chance of staying overnight. Since your total planned loss is 78 lbs you won't likely have nearly as much skin as I had removed (19 lbs), which will definitely make a difference in your recovery experience.
   — zoedogcbr

May 3, 2004
i had a full tt with muscle work and an inner thigh lift last month. i didn't have any pain just discomfort for acouple of days. my stoamch area was very numb and so were my thighs. i had 4 drains that came out (2 at one week and then the rest at 2 weeks). i had the skin glue instead of staples. this was sooooooooooooooooooo much better than staples. i had open rny with 60 staples and i hated it. with the glue the skin is already closed so it also helps in healing and the scar looks much better. the hardest part was that i couldn't stand fully upright for about 1 1/2 weeks. it didn't hurt if i tried, but the muscle were numb and wouldnt let me. i was very surprised that there wasn't any pain because of the large area being removed. i would do it all again in a heartbeat. in fact i am having an arm lift next month. best of luck to you.
   — franbvan

May 24, 2004
I had an Pannulectomy in October or 2001 after losing 50 pounds (which I have gain most back). The surgery didn't hurt at all....but gotta love those drains! Had some lipo along with it (it helps being and old OR nurse and the surgeon is your friend). Have it you will be glad afterwards. Good luck to you!
   — T L E.

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