I am 3 1/2 weeks post op from hernia repair w/mesh and full tummy tuck.

How long should I wear my binder? My surgeon says "for as long as you feel you need it." Not much of an answer. So, I am taking a survey. For those of you out there who have had this procedure, how long did you wear yours? Also, my upper tummy seems so much bigger than the lower. I thought I was paying extra to get the upper part done with muscle repair, and it seems so out of balance to me? Anyone wish to share their thoughts? Thanks, Valerie open rny 8/26/02 275/159/??    — Valerie B. (posted on May 14, 2004)

May 14, 2004
Valerie, I was told to wear the binder for 3 months - MINIMUM! It really does help. The other thing that helped tremendously was taking my surgeon's advice to take 2 hours every day to lay down, flat on my back, then I used an upside down laundry basket to put under my knees so they were elevated - and just stay there. If I didn't get that time in every day, then my swelling would get horrible. Also, drinking lots of water, and gentle exercise were very helpful (i.e., slow walks around the neighborhood at first, etc.). Hope that helps. Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

May 14, 2004
i agree with dina. i'm 2 months out from full tt and inner thigh lift. it gives you support and helps the tissues connect back together so you don't get droopy skin. i thought i could go without it, but i was wrong. if i go more than a day i'm very swollen and tender. alot of my swelling has gone down and things are smoothing out nicely. don't worry right now that your upper stomach looks bigger because it won't be that way next month.
   — franbvan

May 14, 2004
I didn't have a hernia repair but did have a full abdominoplasty and I wore a tight panty girdle daily for 3 to 4 months. The binder was too big but the girdle still gave me the support I needed. I think it was VERY helpful to keep it on as long as I did as it helped reduce swelling and seromas. As far as the upper half of your body being larger, I didn't encounter this. My stomach and area above was flat the day after surgery.
   — Patty H.

May 14, 2004
I wore my 'girdle' that the PS gave me for a month. After that, they told me NOT to wear it because it would just cause me to swell more when I took it off. I had NO problems with sagging skin or alot of swelling with activity. My Tummy is flat as a board over a year out.
   — Kris T.

May 15, 2004
In a way your doctor is right, I wore a stomach binder right after surgery, and still wear one at times. I find that it helps me with posture, breathing exercises while holding my stomach in. Also, I find that my stomach is flat because the binder makes me consciencous of my stomach mucles. Therefore, like the doctor said - as long as YOU want.
   — Anna M.

May 15, 2004
I am 3 weeks post op from TT w/MR. Last night I tried going without my binder, by hour 2 I was in pain and went and put it back on. My DOC also said this week I could wear it or not. I believe I will WEAR IT! I do take it off at night as I itch so badly under it, but it seems only at night.
   — Connie M.

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