I have been at the same weight for 2 1/2 months! Help!

I am 10 months post op and this has been my only real plateau, but it is so long I am getting very worried that I am at the end of my weight loss. I have lost 125lbs which I am so thrilled with, but I still need to lose another 40-50 pounds. I haven't changed anything at all and I even went on a 3 day protein shake only diet (which didn't really do anything). Please help and tell me what I can do to kick weight loss again.    — Sasha A. (posted on May 24, 2004)

May 24, 2004
What you are experiencing is not that uncommon. I've had patients have plateaus for several months at this stage in the game. Then suddenly they'll lose 15 pounds in one month. I know that's not a comfort to you now but if you'll keep up the healthy eating patterns you've developed and keep exercising then you'll make it. Have faith in yourself and faith in your body that things will be fine. Your body is just taking a well deserved rest. Best wishes to you!
   — ronascott

May 24, 2004
That happened to me, and now my body just decided to start losing again. I am actually exercising a bit less (bad advice to give) but eating less too. I cut out almost all sugar. I am not a low carb person so I lose slower than most anyway. I went from losing nothing for almost 3 mos to losing 4 pound this week for doing nothing different. I can't explain it. I am going to start exercising more, I hope that doesn't mess up the equation but I feel i'm getting out of shape.
   — mrsmyranow

May 24, 2004
I too was on a 2+ month plateau that started at right about the 9 month point. Be patient with your body, it will start up again, just don't sabotage yourself by getting so discouraged that you stop your new healthy habits!!! Conratulations on your weight loss up to this point, you shuld be so very proud of yourself.
   — vineta N.

May 24, 2004
A few things to keep in mind--- First, the fact that you are eating healthily, exercising and avoiding the trigger foods are all good things. Secondly, if you are truly trying to jumpstart by just having 3 protein shakes, you aren't getting enough calories (particularly if you are exercising) and your body could be in "starvation" mode. The way to jump-start it is to go to a high protein (at least 80 grams a day) and very low carb (no more than 15 grams per day) for about 3 days. This should be enough time for your system to purge (actually expend) all of the excess carbs that you've taken in. Then, re-introduce the healthy carbs slowly. Following this system worked to help me prevent a plateau of more than just a few days. Good luck.
   — SteveColarossi

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