Lap Band vs. RNY

A friend of mine is considering the LapBand vs. RNY. Is there a yahoo board someone can refer me to that discusses the pros/cons of each of these two surgeries? I'm 15 months post-op RNY and it's been great for me but I can't speak to the lap band and he wants to research both. Thanks!    — Vicki S. (posted on July 14, 2004)

July 14, 2004
Have him go to That's one of their websites. Probably can get some useful info there.
   — lharbison

July 14, 2004
Vicki, Your friend might want to consider having a sleeve gastrectomy as an option, as well. It doesn't involved a foreign body, the need for fills and adjustments, and offers very good outcomes as an option. He might also want to check out the following web site: It gives an overview of the various forms of WLS and is extensively annotated. AMOS also has a good listing at Hope that helps! Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

July 14, 2004
If you look on the obesityhelp home page, you can choose to go to a Lap Band Forum, there your friend can talk with people who have had the Lap Band done, (I am one such person)He can start there and begin his research. I found the WLS decision on RNY or Lap to be a personal choice. I did not want to "alter" my body permanently, so Lap Band was my choice. I know many people who have had the RNY surgery and are very happy with it. Tell you friend in doing his research, you really can't compare at what rate he will lose weight with RNY and Lap Band , they really are alot different in that respect. With the Lap Band, you will lose the weight, but at a slower pace. Either way, encourage him to talk to people who have had both procedures, ask many questions, we ar all here to help. Please feel free to have your friend contact me, I will answer anything I can regarding the Lap Band. Sherry S
   — sac287

July 15, 2004
I was going to have the lap band and luckily found out that it doesn't cure GERD (reflux) like the RNY. That is just an FYI in case it is something you have. I found out just in time and haven't had any since having the RNY. Best of Luck!
   — ZZ S.

July 15, 2004
Personally the LAP Band was my choice. However I found out about it right after the trials, and before the approval. Then after nine months of fighting my insurance for RNY approval, I was'nt going to fight again for the Band. I've lost alot of weight with the RNY, but have had some health issues. Now I"m dealing with some extreme pain (intermitantly) and have no idea what is causing it. So as a long term post op, at this point I'm wondering if the RNY was such a good idea for me. Basicially I'm very happy with it, but sometimes I still have the occasional doubt. Find out all you can about both the Band and the RNY. Once the RNY is done, it's done.
   — Danmark

July 16, 2004
My sister chose the band, I chose RNY. We had our reasons for chosing what we chose. She is losing weight slowly but steadily, I lost a little faster, but slowed later (I am slightly below goal). It's not an easy decision. Both have merits and faults. One difference she and I note is that my pouch shouldn't get larger and I will have some control over intake amounts for life, with hers she has to get refills to reduce the amount of what she eats. I will always have some mal-absorbtion and I dump on fats (not sugar). She will not have malabsorbtion and dumps on milk. Best of luck, Maggie B.
   — M B.

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