Help me, has anyone else gone through hernia repair & plastics

   — Kristee (posted on August 4, 2004)

August 3, 2004
I waited over 17 months from diagnois to 'fix' on my hernia. BUT everyone is different and hernia's are too. I would see how your appeal goes - at least for the TT - I doubt you would get all you askef for approved espeically the arms. If you dont get the TT approved; then go ahead with the hernia. There are people (we had one lady in our group) that had her hernia fixed 6 months post... it depends on your hernia..
   — star .

August 4, 2004
I recommed waiting until you can do both surgeries together. I had an abdominalplasty/panniculectomy and 2 hernias repaired 6 1/2 weeks ago and it is very painful and a very slow healing process. I cannot imagine having to go through this 2 seperate times. I am glad it was all done at the same time.
   — lmonroeny

August 4, 2004
Hi I lived with my hernia for the last 20 months. I babied it along - I wore support hose over my stomach to help hold him in and I was very careful about lifting and reaching. My INS would not approved any skin removal until 18 months post-op RNY. After the 18 months the TT was approved and I just came home from the hospital a few hours ago. I had the hernia repair and TT on Monday. Check out my profile I've got a lot of my story of "Life with Hermie" in there. As far as the other plastics you wanted most of these are not covered. Check with your INS and see if they will be more likely to approve after a certain amount of time has passed. I was in this same position months ago when everyone was concerned about my hernia and I wanted to wait.
   — jocelyn

August 4, 2004
The ideal time to have your PS is after your weight loss stops/stabilizes, however, if your hernia is causing you distress, this might not be right for you. I would continue your appeals and see what happens as far as the PS. See if you can wait for the hernia repair for the few weeks that it takes to finish the appeals. I have a strong feeling that you may eventually get the TT, but it is rare to get the other surgeries approved. Although having the discomfort of healing twice isn't wonderful, I would think it would be worth it to get the maximum result from the PS. It would serve the insurance company right to have to pay for 2 separate surgeries rather than combining them. I am having my TT and hernia repair on 8/17. I was denied for the TT at first, appealed twice, then went to an external review through the State of NY Dept of Insurance. Check out my profile for details. My PS says it is criminal that the insurance companies approve the WLS, then play games with the TT approvals. They know darn well that the extra skin is a side effect of the WLS and should finish the job. Best of luck!!
   — Fixnmyself

August 5, 2004
I suffered with a 9" hernia for over a year, and was constantly miserable with it - it was from something other than my lap RNY. We all knew about it before my WLS, and I babied it for nearly a year... until I ended up having emergency surgery from NOT the doc of my choice, in the middle of the night, when I was totally unprepared for it. I still go my plastics- a belt lipectomy - when i needed it, too, totally covered. If you are in pain, get the hernia taken care of now. It is a medical problem that can only get worse. As you lose more and more, keep documenting the rashes, back problems, etc. And after you have the hernias repaired, it doesn't exactly mean you are out of the woods for them in the future - getting that extra skin off will help prevent hernias in the future too. Another reason for the insurance to approve. Seek out a surgeon who is compassionate and willing to fight for you. Mine did.
   — kultgirl

August 5, 2004
Hi Kristee, I also had hernia repair. My Insurance denied the TT plastics part. But with the problems I had with the hernia I really couldn't put it off. I had 2 surgeries in July on my hernia. I feel good and pleased with the results. Not a flat tummy by any means, but livable for now. I have dropped 2 sizes in jeans already. Last surgery was July 21. I will work on my tummy myself but do not expect to fight Ins for plastics. Guessed it was something I could live with, seeing as I lived with the way it was before WLS. It really isnt that bad for me. If you find later it is too bad then, keep notes and take pics often. Alot of people have copies of their appeals here. Good luck to whatever you decide. Patricia 314/167
   — pateblkbrn

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