Want an idea where you are now from weighing around 426 pre-op

Just want an idea of where you are now if you starting out with similar stats. Female 426 5'10". I want to get to 220 and want to know how long did it take you and what is the average you lost per month after the 1st year. Thanks Vesta 426/290 1yr post op    — vesta D. (posted on August 13, 2004)

August 13, 2004
Hi Vesta....I started a little shorter and a little less weight than you, but I think our BMI was about the same, mine was 59.1, at 5'6" and 366 lbs. (nice ROUND numbers!)...I'm 15 months post op and down 212lbs. The weight loss has definately slowed down, and I'm bouncing around a lot!! If you need to talk feel free to e-mail me!!!
   — Sungurl B.

August 13, 2004
I started at 423 and after 17 months I am only at 265. I just keep plugging away trying to get to 150. Good luck to you, Ann in TX
   — Ann B.

August 14, 2004

   — SMG I.

August 14, 2004
5'8, 361 preop. 21 months later I am btw 175-180 and in a size 8/10. Would be in a 6/8 if not for the puddles of skin! Body Fat % down to 28%. I don't do BMI calc b/c it is misleading. Good Luck!
   — thecobles

August 15, 2004
I'm almost 18-1/2 months PO and down 252 lbs. I started at 442, 5'9 and a BMI of 65.1. I currently hang in the low 190's and have a BMI of 28.1. Not a normal BMI but normal enough for me. Everyone's progress will vary drastically so don't fret if you weight loss goes on a different pattern. I had my LBL done at 12-3/4 months and had 19 lbs of skin removed. Since then I have had noticeably slow weight loss, which is to be expected. I am trying to maintain and not lose any more as I am comfortable where I am. Hang in there and take your program one day at a time. This is all we can do.
   — zoedogcbr

August 20, 2004
Hi Vesta-- I am 5'8" and 52 yrs old. I weighed 467 in 11/02. In 10/03 when I started looking in to surgery I weighed 457. I weighed in today at my 6 mo post op visit at 287. I am currenly losing ata rate of apprx. 15 lbs per month. Best of luck in your WLS journey. Angel on your shoulder ^ii^ ^ii^
   — JoyfulLife

August 24, 2004
I am so glad that you asked people this. I am 5'10". I weighed 373 1/2 on my surgery day on Jan 7, 2004. So far I am down to 281. That is 92 pounds. I have been on a platue for the past month. I also hope to get down to 220 at the very least. I can't see myself any lower then 180. I have been discouraged lately by the platue but I am now feeling better. Thank you all for taking the time to answer the questions of other people. It affects others besides the people asking.
   — Cameron Van Winkle

September 13, 2004
Hello, I am 5'9" and my pre-op wt. was 386 pounds, now it is one year later and I am at 270. My doctor thinks I will easily continue to lose to the 200-220 range. My sister is 5'11", her pre-op weight was 422 pounds, and now for her it is 16 months after her surgery and she is in the neighborhood of 250. Good luck! Michelle
   — [Deactivated Member]

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