has anyone had children after a tummy tuck?

I have no children and plan to eventually. I would really like to go ahead and have a tummy tuck now. I would appreciate any personal stories or advice.    — j S. (posted on September 9, 2004)

September 9, 2004
Hi! I had this exact question, because I had a TT w/ belt lipectomy in December, and I want to have another baby sometime in the future. I found a woman who accidently became pregnant only 4 months after her TT, and I visited with her after she delivered. She said she had no complications from the TT, but her skin is no longer as tight as it was, of course. She said, in essence, if you want to get the most for your money it's best to wait. However, I'm not good at waiting, and I had over 8 pounds of fat and skin removed. It was really truly bothering me, and I couldn't stand it anymore. I figure that if I want to have tighter skin again after I get pregnant, I will fork over the money and have him do some touchup work. The nurse said they had two clients who had babies after TT, and had no adverse effects other than they lost the tautness of the skin. However, the doctor said that it does increase the chances for a hernia. But neither the two clients, nor the woman I corresponded with had that problem. I'm thinking I would like to try to get pregnant sometime in December, which would be one year post TT. E-mail me privately if you would like! Best wishes, Raye
   — raye

September 10, 2004
Hi , i have had 2 children after a tummy tuck there 1 and 3yo. you have to wait 3 years to heal properly . i gain alot of weight with both pregnancies and when i reach goal i will consider having another tuck done. all The Best! Tracey
   — traceybubbles

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