Plastic Surgery scheduled...BL, BA & TT...What did you tell people?

I am scheduled for a BL, BA and full TT. I don't want anyone to know what I'm having done. What did you tell people? (I'll be out of work for at least 4 wks.) Did anyone have any complications from their WLS that required a 2nd surgery? If so, what was it?    — Babs B. (posted on November 2, 2004)

November 1, 2004
It's going to be tough getting wournd that one.. especially the aug. I just told people I am having a tummy tuck. I don't see anything wrong with it at all. I personally wouldn't make up a complication and pretend surgery to cover up plastics. In fact, I wanted to get on the loud speaker when my TT was approved, lol.
   — SarahC

November 1, 2004
I would NEVER tell anyone that I was having an additional surgery because of a complication...that just perpetuates the ignorance/fears/myths out there about WLS. If you don't want anyone to know, don't say. "I'm having a procedure and I don't wish to discuss it." Most people will respect privacy...and those that don't, you don't need to carry on any conversation with. However, considering what you are having done...the results will more than likely be evident. Why not be honest?? Just my opinion!
   — Mustang

November 1, 2004
You don't owe anyone an explanation since it's your own business. But, when I get my tummy tuck done, I will just tell people that I am having back problems that I am getting fixed. In my case, it's the truth since the skin is causing me back pain.
   — Yolanda J.

November 2, 2004
You can just say you are having a hernia repaired. That's so mundane that no one thinks to ask any more about it. However, they will probably notice the difference after you come back from leave!
   — koogy

November 2, 2004
I jsut told them what I was doing, belt lipectomy, muscle tightening and brachioplasty. Everybody was thrilled for me. And as i went back to work, everybody has been insisting on seeing my new flat tummy. I was called a bitch by one laughing jealous person, Seriously, they havd seen me struggle for years, have the WLS, lose so much weight and work so hard for it. otherwise if you don't want them to know you could say you are taking a personal leave of absence for personal reasons that you do not care to discuss. Of course that may stir up all kinds of gossip...
   — **willow**

November 2, 2004
I jsut told them what I was doing, belt lipectomy, muscle tightening and brachioplasty. Everybody was thrilled for me. And as i went back to work, everybody has been insisting on seeing my new flat tummy. I was called a bitch by one laughing jealous person, Seriously, they havd seen me struggle for years, have the WLS, lose so much weight and work so hard for it. otherwise if you don't want them to know you could say you are taking a personal leave of absence for personal reasons that you do not care to discuss. Of course that may stir up all kinds of gossip...
   — **willow**

November 2, 2004
I have'nt had PS yet but I have already rehearsed and decided what I was going to tell my employer and co-workers when the time comes. I had such a hard time with getting time off for the WLS that I already decided that I will call my boss the night before the surgery and explain that I'm going to have emergency hernia repair and that I won't be able to return to work for sometime. I normally would not treat a situation like this but my boss was very negative about my WLS surgery when I told her I needed time off for surgery. SO the next surgery I plan on be as confidential as possible. Jen
   — imgabbie

November 2, 2004
Four weeks is tough to cover. When I had my LBL, I was out for two weeks. This, I labeled a "vacation," and upon my return I did the old "threw my back out" thing (four co-workers had thrown their backs out while I was gone, so either we have a lot of bad backs or there were a lot 'o tummies being tucked that summer). Anyhoo, I never told anyone but family that I had it done. However, I recently had to have eyelid surgery (and so threw in a brow lift). This was *impossible* to hide from the world, even after two weeks off, and so my co-workers are all wearing sunglasses now in solidarity. Really, I don't think people care all that much, and if they do, next week, they won't.<P>You could always just go with the "abdominal surgery" thing, and let 'em speculate on whether it's "female" surgery, or a hernia, or gallbladder, or whatever. Frankly, I don't think you owe anyone details, so I personally wouldn't be making up an elaborate story about complications, for fear that would make people worry unnecessarily about you/it.
   — Suzy C.

November 2, 2004
You know what? I'm in the same boat regarding sharing the news. So far, aside from my family, I've only told 4 of my friends with whom I've known for years and who love me for me. I haven't told my boss yet, until I get a secured date. I am part of a big "social communtity" and yes everybody know's everybody elses' business...however I've told those 4 folks to not mention to anyone and I'll eventually tell people when I have to. The bottom line is to tell when YOU are ready to tell...this is about you. Good luck!
   — Hypnocutie Cha CHa

November 2, 2004
Hi! I'd venture to say that it's not anyone else's business unless you want to tell them. Sometimes when people feel that you are going to have a brand new look (which I might add be better than their look) they began to feel insecure or might even become jealous. When I get myself "back on track", I'm going to do the same thing. Perhaps telling them major abdominal surgery"??? Go for it anyway, girl!! You deserve it!!!Hadiyah, a.k.a. "YourDivaness Royale".
   — yourdivaness

November 3, 2004
All I can say is if you have any amount of skin to remove like I did, 19 lbs, they will know in short enough time. It is impossible to hid losing the hanging gut and going from a 16W to a 12 misses. Also with my 2nd PS I had 4 liters of fat lipo'd out of my legs in preparation for the skin removal. Even at 2 weeks PO they were still huge from swelling. They knew they were not that big when I left so it would have been easy to figure it out. You have NOTHING to be ashamed about. Do it with pride and the heck with anyone who feels you did not need it. Only you can decide what is right for your body. <p>The other option is tell them you are having a mental breakdown and you are sure you will be fine in 4 weeks. That should get them thinking. LOL Obviously I am just kidding.
   — zoedogcbr

November 5, 2004
I don't understand the several postings about what to tell your boss or co-workers. The answer is simple. It is none of thier business, you tell who you want, when you want. You do not even have to tell your boss why you will be out of work. Most companies have Human Resources and that is the only people you need to discuss it with. By law they are not allowed to discuss it with your boss or co workers. Are some people that work in H.R. unethical...yes, but if you find out your boss knows and the only person you told was your H.R. departement then someone is going to be in trouble. :-)
   — Melinda V.

November 6, 2004
I live in California. I didn't even need to tell HR what I was going out for. The only requirement is a letter from doctor stating how long you will be out and any restrictions you may have when you return. I did the same with my WLS. -(Female problems) This time I had a hernia repair, so I did discuss that with co-workers. Where I work, others HAVE to pick up the slack when you are out, rarely is additional staff sent out. So I couldn't see myself saying to them- "I am having a tummy tuck, getting paid by state disability, and my insurance is paying for it" We all like to think that we work in supportive environments-but that is not always the case. Anyway your health is your business-no one elses. Good Luck to you.
   — Allison M.

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