What is the best Magnesium/Calcium ratio?

I understand that calcium citrate best- plus there seem to be differing opinions on ratio of magnesium to calcium - 2 to one? If you take the magnesium pills- is magnesium OXIDE the best? Where can I purchase it?    — Allison M. (posted on November 20, 2004)

November 20, 2004
No, it's Magnesium Citrate which is supposed to be the best absorbed...easy to remember, Calcium & Mag "Citrate." The ratio is 2 Calcium to 1 Mag. Also, for those suffering with constipation, 400-800 mg extra magnesium during the day (I keep it away from iron and calcium, just in case) solved that problem! Yes, it the same stuff that's in Milk of Magnesia. But, if you start it, start it slowly to see what you can tolerate.
   — Leslie F.

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