My bone density test scores dropped seriously. Why?

I'm taking 3 capsules of calcium citrate w/magnesium and vit D daily. I take them at once but will stagger them going forward. I also eat several ultra tums daily. I'm scared about these test results. I'm 17 months post op and have had no serious problems w/rny surgery. any suggestions would be welcome. thanks!    — Mary H. (posted on December 24, 2004)

December 24, 2004
Mary, It sounds like you need the expertise of the folks over at the Grads List. Go to to join. I'm a DS post-op, but we're supposed to get 2000 mg of calcium citrate daily. Sounds like you're maybe not getting enough in! I take 8 Citracal daily. Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

December 25, 2004
Increase your weight bearing exercises. This might help over the long term. You need to do weight bearing exercises that work out your legs and back. Be careful and talk to a trainer or doctor about it.
   — Beatrice C.

December 25, 2004
What is the dosage of your calcium? I was told that more than 500 mg at a time was wasted and not absorbed. The doses should be spread out during the day, in at least 2 hr intervals. Calcium is also absorbed better in the afternoon and evening (not sure why). I am 56 and 5"3"; I take 500 Mg of Calcium citrate with magnes/D and boron 3 times a day. My RNY was in 2001 and my bone density scan done in 2003 showed levels better than a 33 yr old! I don't believe the calcium in the Tums is very good as it is calcium carbonate.
   — LLinderman

December 26, 2004
Good advice from the first poster, Get Thee To The Grad List. I, too, was taking three capsules of calcium citrate with Vit D and magnesium daily, spread out every two hours, away from iron. Bone density nonetheless decreased by ten percent over a year. From the Grad List, I learned about labeling on calcium citrate capsules and tablets -- what we need is 500 mg. of elemental calcium delivered as calcium citrate, not a capsule with 500 mg. of calcium citrate that may contain roughly no more than 125 mg. of elemental calcium. Confused? Me, too. Go the the list, check the archives on[ this issue, or ask. It really depends on the manufacturer or supplier to tell you how much of the calcium citrate product delivers 500 mg. of elemental calcium per dose, and work backwards from that. I now take 9-12 capsules a day (three at a time, not one), because I was underdosing by relying on a label that just said 500 mg. of calcium citrate (no info on most labels regarding how much is elemental calcium).<P>Ditch the Tums if it's for calcium -- all it's good for is encouraging formation of kidney stones.
   — Suzy C.

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