I had 3 polyps removed.

Does anyone know if I would still be a candidate for surgery if I had 3 polyps removed 1 which was cancer, they think they got it all out and I just need another colonoscopy in 1 year    — Annette99 (posted on January 11, 2005)

January 10, 2005
Its really a question for your surgeon, did you know colon cancer is very common in MOs? The weight loss after surgery might help prevent a reoccurence. If the dont want to do the RNY the adjustable band minght be a good alternative, it requires more diet compliance, but is entirely reversible and can easily be removed if needed. The polyps were in your colon? thats the large intestine... WLS is done in your small intestine. They are 2 didderent areas.
   — bob-haller

January 10, 2005
It is highly probable that you would still be able to have WLS, however, the type of surgery you have might have to be something that is easier to reverse. I can tell you that I have had half my thyroid removed due to one tumor, I have a right adrenal adenoma (non-functional), and I had to have cryosurgery due to bad pap smears prior to having open RNY over 2 years ago. My surgeon did advise me that if cancer developed after this type of surgery, chances of survival were about 0% due to the nutritional problems. I do doubt that your surgeon would do any type of WLS until you get a clean bill of health from the surgeons and doctors who removed the polyps.
   — SnowWhiteDove459

January 11, 2005
First Annette let me just give you a hug (((((Annette)))), I know it must have been scary with the polyps and cancer, I hope they got it all also, for you. My family has a history of colorectal cancer. My father died from it at 47 yrs old. So me and my sibs all have to have colonoscopy's done every like 5 yrs. 3 of my sibs have had polyps removed during their colonoscopy's...I have been lucky and didn't have any. Now my older sister, who had a couple of polyps removed (non-cancerous) had a lap/rny done in Jan. 2004. We both used the same surgeon and were very thorough with our family history. He did not forsee a problem, as long as we keep up on the diagnostics. It is easier to treat a problem when it is small. So just be honest with your Surgeon and keep up on your colonoscopy's. I wish you well and I wanted to let you know that even with a history things can be done. Good luck. Lisa lap/rny 10-23-03 340/177.5/??? -162.5 lbs (and thanking God everyday)
   — Lisa H.

January 12, 2005
First let me say that I wish you the very best and that I have had very close experience with this since my husband was diagnosed with colorectal cancer at age 34 and suffered a metastasis a year later. That was 6 years ago and he is fine. My concern would be that you make sure that they did get it all before you do anything to your body that might compromise its ability to fight off cancer and to heal. Chemotherapy has devastating effects on the immune system all by itself. You would not want to get something like an RNY which seriously compromises your ability to consume calories and impairs your absorption of nutrients only to find out that you have to have it reversed or worse that you can't get it reversed and are therefore in a worse position to fight cancer. I would talk to your surgeon. But you should seriously consider making sure that you have been completely cleared before you go forward.
   — Beatrice C.

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