Has anyone suffered from HYDRADENTITIS prior or post surgery?

I have been going through this disease for many years. For those of you not familiar with it, its a very painful experience where you have large boils/cists on the outside of your skin that pop up usually with women right before you get your monthly visitor...On average I have had to go for minor surgery at least 2x a month for the past several years. I was told by my doctor that part of the reason is because of my obesity..... The gastro bypass has been reccomended due to this as well as my obesity. Has anyone had this and had it go away due to loosing the weight? The depression alone from this is enough to kill ya... between being overwieght and in constant pain, and constant surgeries, i feel like I am always depressed. I welcome any advice or input that anyone can offer.    — drshayy (posted on April 19, 2005)

April 19, 2005
I suffered from that for 20 years. I went to 5 different dermatologists.I was told it was due to chocolate.Then due to ingrown hairs.Then due to cheese products.Then due to weight.Then due to hormones,since it came every month with my period. I had up to 9 boils at a time.Very painful.Put a damper on my intimacy. I took medicine for years.Helped a little.Had a lot of them lanced. That hurt. Then after my WLS,I never have had another one.So,I guess it is a lot about the weight.I take no medicine for them.I just never get one.Life is good!!!!!!!
   — MargieT

April 19, 2005
Thank you so much for that, i sooo needed to hear some positive in regard to this, as I too have gone thorugh alllll that you mentioned above. It really takes it's toll on your in every aspect. At least I now see that light because of you. Thank you
   — drshayy

April 20, 2005
Hey there ... I suffered from that as well and it ALWAYS came right during Aunt Flow's visit ... I would get them under my arm-pits and then in between my upper thighs .. .they were painfull and GROSS! I am glad to say that since surgery 9 months and 110 pounds ago I haven't had a single episode since ... not sure what the reasons why are but I would say it has a great deal to do with the weight. My Dr. said the cysts are a testosterone build-up and that overweight women carry more testosterone in their bodies than "average" weighted people ... I hope this helps you and I would say my "cure" is due to the weight loss! Good Luck! Rebekah
   — mommy_jaden

April 21, 2005
hi, i just recently went to the doctor regarding this. it was absolutely horrible. i felt like less than a woman from the smell of the bumps. some would get get infected others wouldnt. i was told right before i had the surgery that it would get better as i lost weight and he was sooo wrong! it actually got worse. i finally went to a dermatologist and he gave me some surgical soap scrub as well as some antibotics and some cream. i normally get them under my arms but i also get small ones on my chest in between my breast. since going to him and using the cream and the soap i havent gotten any bumps nor the smell!!!
   — tbrisc1

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