I am scheduled for a tummy tuck on tues june 7,and i am nervous.

I am worrying about the pain, i know everyone is different. The doc is doing a low bikini cut and creating a new belly button.I am staying one night in the hospital,and taking five weeks off of work.Please gimme some input,it may calm my nerves!!!THANKS    — natalie J. (posted on June 3, 2005)

June 3, 2005
You'll be fine. I will admit its a painful surgery but its well well worth it. I had my TT 2 weeks ago and im getting better every day. Just make sure you follow docs rest when u can and walk when u can. Take your meds like they are prescribed. I didnt think i needed as much pain meds as they gave me but found out quickly that i just follow those rules and you'll do great...we'll see ya soon on the flat tummy side!! :-) Amy 9-16-03 260/112/105 -7 pds skin at TT
   — cinamoni

June 3, 2005
I had my tummy tuck in Sept, 04. Went home same day. The Dr used a pain pump on me. What this is, is 2 tiny plastic tubes that the Dr placed in me during surgery. 2 small (I mean really small) openings were made between my breast (at the bottom)and these 2 tubes were threaded down over my new flat tummy (under the skin of course) and it slowly released numbing medicine. I still hurt some, but nothing like I thought it would. After 48 hours you pull the tubes out (doesnt hurt) and throw it away. The tubes are connected to a box you wear around your waist, seems like it was in a fanny type bag. I have had 2 C-sections and this was less painful and I think it was because of the pain pump. Good luck.
   — Carrie W.

June 3, 2005
I had a belt lipectomy two weeks ago and was scared it'd be painful but it wasn't at all. I am so thrilled with the results even though I am still swollen. You will love the "new" you!! Good luck
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 3, 2005
Wow you get to stay one night in the hospital very impressive. I dont know of a single Dr. that doesn't do a TT as an outpatient good for you. I had a LBL on 9/04 and I only had a 23 hour stay and I was literaly sawed in half. This is what I can tell you. My girlfreind had a TT two weeks before my LBL. She had a pain pump which worked wonders. I could not becasue i was cut all the way around. Anyway she was feeling pretty crummy for about 2 weeks but after that each day was better except for the swelling and fatigue that lasts for several weeks. On the other hand I was pretty messed up for about 6 weeks. I would have traded with her any day!!!!! You should have plenty of time to recover with 5 weeks off. At 6 weeks my girlfriend was even able to go back to the gym everything was healed by then. Don't worry even if it hurts it will be worth it and you will recover and forget about the pain. Good Luck. Wendi
   — lovemonterey

June 4, 2005
Natslie - I am 11 days post op from a TT and a medial thigh lift and I went home that afternoon. I can honestly tell you it has been more discomfort for me than pain. I did take my pain meds every 5 hours as prescribed by my doc (you don't want to wait until you start to feel the pain to take it - prevent the pain instead, it's a whole lot easier!!). I still have all 4 drains in and cannot wait to get them out on Tuesday. You are gonna be great, just remind yourself that the end justifies the means - use your pain meds!!! Be well...
   — baloudoggy

June 5, 2005
Natalie, I had the same incision as you and also the new belly button. It looks FABULOUS!!! I'm now almost 3 years post-op from that surgery and it still looks remarkable. I did an overnight stay in the hospital as well. They considered it outpatient since I was released early the next day. I felt that the pain wasn't bad. On a scale of 1 to 10, about a 4. I was only off work for 3 weeks but could have easily went back after 2. You may find yourself going stir crazy after 5 weeks!! Remember to wear your compression garment for 24/7 for at least 6 weeks post-op and don't lift, pull or push anything over 10 pounds for the same amount of time. Good luck - You'll do great!!
   — Patty H.

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