I am wondering about recovery and time off work from an extended breast reduction?

My Plastic surgeon says that I will be getting a standard breast reduction and removal of the skin along the side of my breast. He said that the incision will run around to my back. Has anyone had this done? How are your results?    — Allison M. (posted on July 9, 2005)

July 11, 2005
I had a breast reduction and lift about 3 1/2 years ago. Yours sounds like it may be a bit more extensive - I just have the standard anchor scar. I had my surgery on a Friday and returned to work the following Tuesday or Wednesday (desk job). I was off the vicodan by Monday, and only took halves on Sunday. I had some skin complications afterward, which ended up requiring two scar revision surgeries over the next few years (feel free to e-mail me if you want more info about that or the procedure itself). Even so, I have never regretted my decision and was ultimately very pleased with my new perky boobs (halter tops - yea!). Ironically, my PCP thinks I may lose most of breast tissue I have now after WLS and may end up needing implants! Go figure!
   — tarainla

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